Community Items
We have been seeing some terrapins on the road. Always thought this was a sign it was going to rain. We did get 1 4/10 inch on Sunday.Paul got his hay all hauled from the Max Murphy place in Almartha with the help of Wally.The guys worked cattle Friday. It was a good time for it because the weather...
My air conditioner is getting a workout. We could use more rain as we write these news, as we didn’t get as much in our neighborhood as some areas.I learned in a conversation with my friend Doris Trieber that they had sold their former home here to the Tilman family. It was the house that Joe Gaddy...

Times photo/Sue Ann Jones Musicians and listeners gather each Thursday at 6 p.m. at The Center for an informal music jam session. Pat Whisnant organizes the weekly gatherings with help from Mary Pitcock. A light supper is served halfway through the session. Everyone is invited to the music session, which is free of charge (donations are collected in a can to help pay for use of the building). Last week’s circle of musicians included, from left, Lawrence Strickland and his wife Dot (back to camera), Opal Beasley and her husband Jim Beasley, Ray McDaniel, Jeffery Goss, Bob Obert and Tom Pitcock.
Congratulations to the winners of our recent election. The elected board members are Buddy Festervand, Sue Herning and Carol Cooper.Join us weekday mornings for a continental breakfast. We set out coffee and pastries or other baked items when we open The Center each weekday, and you’re welcome to...
Caretakers at Lutie Cemetery say flowers on the ground there need to be removed by Friday, July 6, to facilitate mowing. Flowers not removed by that date will be thrown away.
The month of June is one for brides. My year as a bride was 1939; next year would have been our 80th wedding anniversary. How time gets away, with lots of history tucked into the years!Summer’s heat is here. Despite the heat, I enjoy sitting in my porch swing, where, every once in a while, there’ll...
It is starting to get pretty dry. The little showers don’t last long when it’s 90 degrees.Hay is being cut all around. Wally had trouble with his round baler and finished with the square baler Paul had. That means more work.Paul took his pickup to Marshfield for repairs, and Loren and June...
MenusLunch is served daily from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and is open to everyone. The cost is $6 for those younger than 60; a $3.50 donation is requested for those over 60. Call 679-4746 to order take-out for 25 cents more.Wednesday, June 20: cashew chicken over rice, egg roll, Oriental vegetables...
Hello from our home to yours. To start last week, on Monday we played a fun game of dominoes. We then went outside to enjoy the nice fresh air. In the afternoon we played board games.Tuesday, we watched movies, and Debbie Cobb joined us for Bible study. On Wednesday we played dominoes and worked on...
On Sunday, June 10, my memories took me back to June 10, 1939, when Eldon Pitcock and I were married in Gainesville by my cousin Ray Ebrite, justice of the peace. It was a marriage that lasted 32 years, until his death on May 3, 1971. We were blessed with four children and several grandchildren...
The election of the Senior Citizens of Ozark County board is this week. Votes may be cast from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday-Friday, June 13-15. Nominees are Carol Cooper and incumbents Buddy Festervand, Sue Herning and Lynn Bentele. Voters will vote for three.The aenior Citizens of Ozark County...