Community Items

MenusLunch is served daily from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and is open to everyone. The cost is $6 for those younger than 60; a $3.50 donation is requested for those over 60. Call 679-4746 to order take-out for 25 cents more.Wednesday, April 18: breakfast for lunch: biscuits and gravy, sausage, eggs...
To start off last week, on Monday we played board games and made clay sculptures. They are currently drying, and when they’re done we will paint them.Tuesday, we had our Red Hat tea party, where we enjoyed brownies with coffee. In the afternoon we had volunteers join us for Bible study.A fun game...
Last week Ray Davis came, so Gary and Ray went to work on Ray’s boat motor. Gary and I went to Ava on the 24th to Ava Place to visit his mother, Maxine Turner. She turned 88 years old that day. Tuesday, Dara Strong and Dana Brazeal went to Springfield to go with Wyatt and Liviya Wharton to the...
We had a surprise when we woke up Saturday morning. There was a skiff of snow on the ground, and it was 28 degrees. This year’s weather is full of surprises.Our quilt club at Dora began meeting to work again on Tuesday morning, and when I left at noon last week, it was 73 degrees.We had several...
Just as we are thinking spring is here, winter temperatures have kept us really cold. Surprisingly, the spring shrubs have bloomed profusely in my yard, despite the weather.  The japonica, forsythia, bridal wreath and all the jonquils are so pretty. And also the tulips my daughter Kris set out....
The weather has been very unpredictable. One day it’s 70 degrees, and that night down in the 30s. The rain has really been appreciated.Friday morning there was snow that covered the ground, but it was gone in short time. Maybe the weather will make up its mind soon.Paul and I went to Birchtree...
Hello from our home to yours.We started last week with  David Ball, who comes once a month to play the piano for us. He does such a wonderful job, and we just love when he’s here. Later in the afternoon we gathered in the dining room for our birthday party. There we celebrated three residents’ and...
How time gets away! Where did March go? April 1 brought back memories of my oldest sister, Ruth Crawford, marrying Dewey Moody on April 1, 1934. We teased them about it being April Fool’s Day.  Dewey was our Ozark County clerk, and before they married, he boarded with Arless Huffman’s family. They...
We are very happy after getting a little over 5 inches of rain last week.  The rivers were muddy, and the small branches ran through good. Highway 181 at Hodgson Mill was closed for a while.Paul and I went to Springfield Thursday and took several bags of clothes to the Thrift Haven. Casey met us at...
This month’s “first Sunday” fried chicken dinner fundraiser will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. April 8. Please join us for a great dinner and a good way to support The Center and the Gainesville High School band and choir students who will be serving the meal for tips. MenusLunch is served...


Ozark County Times

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Gainesville, MO 65655

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