Local Events
The Bakersfield High School golf team took home the first place plaque in the April 15 Clever Invitational Golf Tournament and another first place plaque in the April 12 Willow Springs Invitational tournament. The team, pictured from left, includes: Coach Micheal Mahan, Ethan Cotter, CJ Carey,...
Bakersfield’s track relay team competed at sectionals last week, and while they didn’t advance to state, the team did achieve a personal record. Shown are Nathan Watlington, Gaige Samuels, Coach Tammy Lamb, Jacob Watlington, Brooks Amburgy, Amani Kowiti and assistant Kurt Watlington.
The artwork of Gainesville resident Lisa Goodnight is now displayed at the Ozark County Volunteer Library as part of the organization’s visiting artist exhibits.
The paintings, all acrylic on framed stretched canvas or wood tile, feature adorable animals, folksy countryside landscapes, still life...
Looking at the collection of quilts made by Barbara Sympson Freeman of Dora, now on display at the Ozark County Historium, one simple fact quickly comes to mind: these quilts have lots of little pieces. While the same can be said of many patchwork quilts, in Barbara’s case the key word is “little...

Claire Bruntrager, left, with the Missouri Humanities Council, and Ozark County Genealogical and Historical Society president Jean Allen were two of many volunteers who recently unloaded and installed the UHC’s “Struggle to Statehood” exhibit at the Ozark County Historium in Gainesville. Bruntager, with another MHC employee, designed the exhibit, which will be at the Historium for five weeks. Times photo / Jessi Dreckman
Our state will celebrate an important milestone next year when we mark the 200th anniversary of Missouri becoming the 24th state to enter the Union. But it was not a simple matter; in fact, the process took three long years to complete and involved a controversial compromise. Does this pique...

Claire Bruntrager, left, with the Missouri Humanities Council, and Ozark County Genealogical and Historical Society president Jean Allen were two of many volunteers who recently unloaded and installed the UHC’s “Struggle to Statehood” exhibit at the Ozark County Historium in Gainesville. Bruntager, with another MHC employee, designed the exhibit, which will be at the Historium for five weeks. Times photo / Jessi Dreckman
Our state will celebrate an important milestone next year when we mark the 200th anniversary of Missouri becoming the 24th state to enter the Union. But it was not a simple matter; in fact, the process took three long years to complete and involved a controversial compromise. Does this pique your...
Before the sun peeked above the Ozark County hills Saturday, an army of Santa’s helpers were awake and scurrying about, doing their part for the annual Ozark County Toy Drive.
In all, more than 80 volunteers, including 40 students, rustled together the makings of the magical event, held...

Brayden Roberts, seated on Santa’s knee, and sister Finley, had a jolly good time eating breakfast and chatting with Santa at Rockbridge Rainbow Trout Ranch Saturday, Dec. 14, during the resort’s Breakfast with Santa event. Brayden and Finley are the children of Gainesville residents John and Ralena Roberts.
To have your Christmas or holiday-themed event added to next week’s listing, call the Ozark County Times at 417-679-4641 or email jessi@ozarkcountytimes.com by 10 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 19.
Saturday, Dec. 21
Santa visits Gainesville Subway
Santa Claus will visit with children in the Gainesville...
Before the sun peeked above the Ozark County hills Saturday, an army of Santa’s helpers were awake and scurrying about, doing their part for the annual Ozark County Toy Drive.
In all, more than 80 volunteers, including 40 students, rustled together the makings of the magical event, held annually...

Brayden Roberts, seated on Santa’s knee, and sister Finley, had a jolly good time eating breakfast and chatting with Santa at Rockbridge Rainbow Trout Ranch Saturday, Dec. 14, during the resort’s Breakfast with Santa event. Brayden and Finley are the children of Gainesville residents John and Ralena Roberts.
To have your Christmas or holiday-themed event added to next week’s listing, call the Ozark County Times at 417-679-4641 or email jessi@ozarkcountytimes.com by 10 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 19.
Saturday, Dec. 21
Santa visits Gainesville Subway
Santa Claus will visit with children in the Gainesville...