Local Events

Ozark County Chamber president Doug Hawkins, right, and Amy Green were rocking the disco look at last year’s trunk-or-treat event in Gainesville.
A forecast of frigid, rainy weather on Halloween has led some activity planners to move their outdoor events inside. Date or place changes for outdoor events that had been announced by press time Tuesday are listed below. For each event’s details, as well as for information about planned indoor...

Ozark County’s William Mahan was 17 when this tintype of him wearing his Civil War Home Guard uniform was created. Area residents interested in joining a new interest group that will meet for informal discussions about the Civil War in the Ozarks and beyond are invited to an initial gathering at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 31, at the Historium on the west side of the Gainesville square.
There is news for anyone interested in learning more about the Civil War in the Ozarks and beyond: A new interest group with this focus is now being organized at the Ozark County Historium. The first gathering will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 31, and all are invited and encouraged to attend....

The maple trees lining the Ozark County courthouse lawn are ablaze with color this week.
There’s no shortage of places to have a ghoulishly good time in Ozark County this Halloween. Take your pick from this list of fall carnivals and festivals or trunk-or-treat events in Bakersfield, Dora, Gainesville or Theodosia. Friday and Saturday, Oct. 25-26 Mark Twain Carnival, Rueter, Friday...

The maple trees lining the Ozark County courthouse lawn are ablaze with color this week.
There’s no shortage of places to have a ghoulishly good time in Ozark County this Halloween. Take your pick from this list of fall carnivals and festivals or trunk-or-treat events in Bakersfield, Dora, Gainesville or Theodosia. Friday and Saturday,Oct. 25-26 Mark Twain Carnival, Rueter, Friday, Oct...

Ozark County’s William Mahan was 17 when this tintype of him wearing his Civil War Home Guard uniform was created. Area residents interested in joining a new interest group that will meet for informal discussions about the Civil War in the Ozarks and beyond are invited to an initial gathering at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 31, at the Historium on the west side of the Gainesville square.
There is news for anyone interested in learning more about the Civil War in the Ozarks and beyond: A new interest group with this focus is now being organized at the Ozark County Historium. The first gathering will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 31, and all are invited and encouraged to attend....

Jessica Smith, right, and daughter Victoria St. Pierre looked as if they walked straight out of Alice in Wonderland during the 2018 Trunk-or-Treat event in Gainesville. Due to heavy rains and cold temperatures on Halloween, last year’s event was held in the Gainesville High School gym. This year’s event is scheduled to be held back on the Gainesville square.
Autumn’s cool temperatures have set in, and Halloween is just two weeks away. Ozark County residents have a wide array of festive  activities to choose from to celebrate  the season. From trunk-or-treat events to fall foliage viewing, there’s no shortage of places and events to enjoy this time of...

Ozark County Times/Regina Mozingo
The Gainesville congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses will hold an open house from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Oct. 26, at the newly built Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses on Highway 160 west of Gainesville. Light refreshments will be served, and tours will be conducted. Everyone is invited to attend...

Jessica Smith, right, and daughter Victoria St. Pierre looked as if they walked straight out of Alice in Wonderland during the 2018 Trunk-or-Treat event in Gainesville. Due to heavy rains and cold temperatures on Halloween, last year’s event was held in the Gainesville High School gym. This year’s event is scheduled to be held back on the Gainesville square.
Autumn’s cool temperatures have set in, and Halloween is just two weeks away. Ozark County residents have a wide array of festive  activities to choose from to celebrate  the season. From trunk-or-treat events to fall foliage viewing, there’s no shortage of places and events to enjoy this time of...
It’s that time of year, when pumpkins, apple cider and crisp, fall air set a tone of festivity in the Ozarks. Listed here are Halloween and fall events that residents can visit or attend in the coming weeks. Watch the Times each week for an updated list of fall-related events. Those organizing a...
It’s that time of year, when pumpkins, apple cider and crisp, fall air set a tone of festivity in the Ozarks. Listed here are Halloween and fall events that residents can visit or attend in the coming weeks. Watch the Times each week for an updated list of fall-related events. Those organizing a...


Ozark County Times

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Gainesville, MO 65655

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