Local News

Nancy Walker, this year’s Jingle Bell Parade marshal during Gainesville’s Dec. 6 Wonders of Christmas celebration, led the Hootin an Hollarin Committee as chairperson from the early 1990s until turning over the leadership role to Paula Rose in 2021.
Nancy Walker has never been one to criticize others, but she keeps thinking Gainesville’s Wonders of Christmas Committee could have found someone more deserving to honor as the 2024 Jingle Bell Parade marshal.  [Reporter checks notes. Nope. No one deserves the honor more than Nancy, who has been...

D.E. Pleasant drives his truck pulling the Bumper-to-Bumper Christmas float during last year’s Jingle Bell Parade at the 2023 Wonders of Christmas on the Gainesville square event.
The annual Wonders of Christmas on the Gainesville Square festival and Jingle Bell Parade will be held this Friday, Dec. 6. The festival opens at 5 p.m. with vendor booths, which will remain open throughout the night. Also at 5 p.m., there will be singing in the gazebo, located on the courthouse...

A family is pictured here working together to hang Christmas bulbs on the town Christmas cedar at Village Hall in Theodosia during the 2023 inaugural Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. This year’s Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony and Holiday Kick Off event is being held this Saturday at Village Hall, and everyone is invited.
This year’s Theodosia Christmas Tree Lighting and Holiday Kick Off event will be held from 1 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 7, at Village Hall.  Festival organizers Nancy Wilson and Karen Metzger have been working hard on festival plans for the fun and festive event, and it’s shaping up to be even better...
  On Nov. 21, the Thornfield VFD, with mutual aid from Squires VFD, Wasola VFD, Ava Rural Fire Department and City of Ava Fire Department, responded to a house fire on JJ Highway. The firefighters thanked deputies from Ozark County and Douglas County Sheriff’s Departments for responding as well....

One-year-old Dawna Kay is back home in Wasola with parents Jordan and Darci Dimirsky after spending 32 days at Mercy Children’s Hospital in Kansas City recovering from serious injuries she sustained in a Sept. 7 car crash.
Wasola residents Jordan and Darci Dimirsky have an extra reason to be thankful this Thanksgiving season. Just over two months ago, their 1-year-old daughter, Dawna Kay, was released from the hospital following a 32-day stay recovering from serious injuries sustained in a Sept. 7 car crash.  Dawna,...

photo submitted by Heather Eastburn This home, located near Hodgson Mill on the banks of Bryant Creek, was heavily damaged for a second time following flood damage it sustained in the historic 2017 flood. The home, which is owned by Nat and Anita Sledge and was built by a family member 120 years ago, was uninhabited last week when Bryant Creek reached a depth of 29.79 feet Tuesday, submerging half of the structure under muddy water. The Sledges opted to build another home higher on a hill after the 2017 flood, when the river hit at a record high 33.07 feet on April 30, 2017. At presstime Tuesday, the Bryant Creek had receded to 5.5 feet deep.
Heavy rain and severe storms last Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 4-5, led to one of the highest recorded flooding events Ozark County has ever seen - and many residents here remarked how the devastation felt eerily similar to the historic April 30, 2017 flood that marked the highest water levels ever...

Justin Burnett, son Cade and OCSD Deputies Josh Sherman and Jeff Lane used a blanket to carry Jim out to a deputy’s truck and onto an awaiting ambulance where he was rushed to the hospital.
Jim Hagewood, an 80-year-old Longrun man, was rescued last Tuesday night, Nov. 5, after spending a terrifying 20 hours stranded in a creek near his home after his truck was washed off a low water bridge around 1:30 a.m. that morning. Officials say the truck was washed a mile downstream before it...
Just prior to the regular weekly meeting of the Ozark County Commissioners, Western District Commissioner Layne Nance said the west side of the county experienced more damage during flooding earlier this month than during the 2017 flood. He said the extra damage was likely because of several small...

Dustin Pippin
Nearly four years after 73-year-old Julia “Chris” Hicks was found dead in the roadway after a hit-and-run crash Dec. 20, 2020, officials believe they have apprehended the man who hit her - and then fled the scene.  Dustin Pippin, 29, of Squires, has been charged in Douglas County with second degree...

The cover of the 2024 Ozark County Cookin’ cookbook features Seth and Whitney Miller of Gainesville.
This year’s Ozark County Cookin’ cookbook is now available wherever the Times is sold. The annual Times’ publication that showcases Ozark Countians’ favorite recipes, along with photos and articles about local cooks. The cover features Gainesville husband-and-wife duo Seth and Whitney Miller. Seth...


Ozark County Times

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