Local News

Former Gainesville resident Chris Berger and wife Amanda (pictured second and third from left) have eight children and have been foster parents for years. He has been named the new executive director for FosterAdopt Connect in Springfield.
Editor’s note: This article is being reprinted with permission from the Springfield News-Leader.    After nearly three decades working on behalf of children as a Missouri teacher and superintendent, Chris Berger has taken on a new role. Berger became executive director of FosterAdopt Connect,...

Dr. Bob Main
During this year’s festival, the Hootin an Hollarin committee will dedicate the festival stage to the late Dr. Bob Main in honor of the nearly 40 years of service, assembling the festival stage and helping to lay the square dance platforms each year.From now on, the stage will now be known as the “...

For years, Phyllis Hollingsworth, 90, has enjoyed painting artistic pictures depicting memories of her childhood homes as well as natural and landscape scenes. She and her daughters, Rhonda Suter, left, and Glenda Douglas are shown here with a few of the dozens of beautiful pictures she has created through the years.
Now that Phyllis Fox Evans Hollingsworth is several months into her 91st year, she's starting to slow down a bit after a lifetime of hard work and creativity.  Her family says she still accomplishes more than most women half her age, but they're thankful that, a few short years ago, she at least...

Some of the Flotsam Farm “Seed to Syrup” sorghum project participants are pictured here after harvesting the cane. Pictured, from left, are: Lindsay McMahon, Clark Tolton, Dottie, Eliza Tolton, Jeffrey Goss, Dez Fleck, Tom Kennedy and Zea LaMair Tumminia.
This Thursday evening, a group of local Ozark County kids (and any community members who would like to join them) will enjoy the sweet success of their hard work over the last two and a half months when piles of fluffy pancakes are served up with their own homegrown and homemade sweet sorghum syrup...

Hootin an Hollarin car show organizers Mike and Heather Gardner will be bringing their 1926 three-door Gardner Roadster to display at the Hootin an Hollarin car show and to drive in the festival’s parade. The one-of-a-kind vehicle was manufactured by a St. Louis-based automobile company that shares the couple’s last name. Gardner Motor Car Co. operated from 1920 to 1931. Information about the unique and well-kept ride will be available at the car show.
Hootin an Hollarin is just around the corner, slated for Sept. 19-21.  The Ozark County Times official Hootin an Hollarin festival guide, an 84 page glossy-covered magazine-style publication that features all there is to know about this year’s festival, will be inserted into all newspapers with...
The Ozark County Commissioners approved the Agri-Ready County designation and spoke about the new striping for the parking spaces during recent meetings. Representatives from Missouri Farmers Care presented a sign that recognized Ozark County for the new designation of an Agri-Ready County.  “It’s...
The artwork of Gainesville resident Addy Mucklestone is now displayed at the Ozark County Volunteer Library as part of the organization’s visiting artist exhibits. The exhibit runs through September. Her artist’s statement says: “Addy Mucklestone has gravitated toward art since she first picked up...

Times photo/Sue Ann Jones Ozark County Sheriff's Department evidence technician Robert Simpson, left, and OCSD administrator Curtis Ledbetter show the new Tek84 Intercept body scanner that assists with booking procedures when suspects or inmates are brought into the jail. The device can detect weapons, drugs or other contraband that might be hidden in clothing or the body.
Proving the truth of the adage about every cloud having a silver lining, the Ozark County Sheriff's Department has come through a grueling extensive covid ordeal with a bounty of new technology, paid for with government funds distributed to ease hardships and challenges created by the pandemic. The...

Shai Stevens, left, and Kiya Grisham
Gainesville residents Shai Stevens and Kiya Grisham are opening BuckStitch Embroidery & Screen Printing in Gainesville next Monday, Aug. 19. The shop owners, who pride themselves on being Christians and lifelong Ozark County residents, will offer custom embroidery, screen printing and...

Nineteen of the 32 members of the Hermann family gathered last week for their annual four-day vacation at Rockbridge Rainbow Trout and Game Ranch, a tradition that has continued, unbroken, every year for 70 years. (One family member was absent when the photo was taken.)
The Hermann family of St. Louis was back in Ozark County last week, visiting Rockbridge Rainbow Trout and Game Ranch for the 70th time in the resort's 70-year history. Someone from the Hermann family – usually several people – have been guests at Rockbridge every summer since Lile and Edith Amyx...


Ozark County Times

504 Third Steet
PO Box 188
Gainesville, MO 65655

Phone: (417) 679-4641
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