Local News
Multiple area community Thanksgiving dinners are being planned in Ozark County in the next couple weeks. If you don’t have a place to enjoy the holiday - or even if you do - come out and feast with friends and neighbors at these local events:
Lutie School, Theodosia
5 p.m. Friday, Nov. 22
Ozark Countians – and everyone else from anywhere else – are welcome at the Mountain Home (Arkansas) Christian Clinic, a charitable medical facility that began 25 years ago in the minds of some area residents who participated in a medical mission trip to Brazil.
Members of the First United...
Beau Jackson, CEO of White River Connect, visited the Gainesville Lions Club last week to give an update on when Ozark County residents can expect availability of fiber internet locally.
White River Connect is a subsidiary of White River Valley Electric Cooperative, the electric cooperative that...
The Tecumseh VFD responded to this structure fire on County Road 319A off PP Highway Oct. 23, after the blaze was reported to the Ozark County Sheriff’s Department around 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 23. Bakersfield and Caulfield VFDs responded in mutual aid. The structure was a total loss before...
The city of Gainesville recently announced that it will be switching to a new billing company in November. The city’s current billing system will become obsolete at the end of this year, and the council has chosen to replace the system with Muni-Link to best fit Gainesville residents’ needs....

Members and fire chiefs from Ozark County volunteer fire departments accepted new AED machines from the Ozark County Commissioners on Monday morning. From left (front row) Brixey-Rockbridge VFD chief Rory Liddicoat, Pontiac Price Place VFD member Louis Wiley, Tecumseh VFD chief Nathaniel Winrod, Wasola VFD chief Jim Yonker, Ozark County Sheriff’s Department Administrative Assistant Curtis Ledbetter; (back row) Dora VFD board member Johnny Thomas, Bakersfield VFD chief Greg Watts, Theodosia Area VFD chief John Lubbers, Caney Mountain VFD assistant chief Rodney Richardson, Lick Creek Valley VFD members Sandy and Dave Morgan, Western District Commissioner Layne Nance, Presiding Commissioner Terry Newton and Eastern District Commissioner Gary Collins.
Just after the weekly Ozark County Commissioners’ meeting, Ozark County volunteer fire chiefs and department representatives met with the commissioners to accept AED (automated external defibrillator) machines for each department.
The county purchased the devices with money from a national opioid...

Times photos/Regina Mozingo Family members, present and former commissioners from Ozark and surrounding counties, courthouse employees and SCOCOG officials gathered Thursday afternoon to honor Eastern District Commissioner Gary Collins who will retire at the end of the year after collectively serving 30 years as an Ozark County Commissioner. Pictured from left are (front row) son-in-law Chris McFarland, daughter Renee McFarland, the honoree Gary Collins, Shannon County Southern Commissioner Herman Kelly, David Trotter of Birch Tree; (second row) Texas County Associate Commissioner John Casey, Ozark County Collector Darla Sullivan, daughter Lindsay Sellars, wife Nancy Collins, Ozark County Clerk Brian Wise, Ozark County Presiding Commissioner Terry Newton; (third row) former Ozark County Western District Commissioner Greg Donley, former Ozark County Presiding Commissioner John Turner, Texas County Presiding Commissioner Scott Long, former Ozark County Eastern District Commissioner TJ Lewis, Ozark County Circuit Clerk Jackie Smith; (fourth row) Brent Lidgard with SCOCOG, Dennis Sloane with West Plains Solid Waste District, Howell County Presiding Commissioner Ralph Riggs, Texas County Associate Commissioner Robert Ross; (fifth row) Howell County Associate Commissioner Calvin Wood, Wright County Associate Commissioner Tommy Kingery, Wright County Presiding Commissioner Zach Williams, former Howell County Commissioner Mark Collins, Shannon County Northern Commissioner Dale Counts; (sixth row) Ozark County Western District Commissioner Layne Nance, Associate Judge Raymond Gross, Assistant to the Commissioners Jessica Smith and Ozark County Treasurer Christy Thompson.
In 1988, Dora resident Gary Collins decided to take the plunge and file for Eastern District Commissioner. He won and has been serving Ozark County almost continuously since. Collins, who chose not to run for another term this year, will serve his last day as a commissioner on Dec. 31.
All those...
When local resident Al Sabatino worked his way through reading the May 22, 2024, edition of the Ozark County Times, an article on page 4, the local history page, caught his eye.
The page featured a photo of a sign for “Old Ocie, Missouri” which listed the speed limit of 15 miles per hour, a...

VFW and AmVets officers and auxiliary members gathered Friday for this photo at the VFW Hall at Highways 160 and HH. From left: Ruby Winslow, VFW Auxiliary, and Butch Winslow, VFW Quartermaster and Army and Navy veteran (Vietnam); Stacy Piland, VFW Auxiliary president and bartender at the VFW Hall; Lynda Liming, VFW Auxiliary, and Robert Liming, VFW Commander and Montana Army National Guard veteran (Iraq); and Grant Carlson, AmVets commander, Air Force veteran. Carlson's wife, Julie, an AmVets Auxiliary member and bar manager at the VFW, was not available for the photo.
As America prepares to honor its military men and women Monday on the Veterans Day holiday, many veterans in Ozark County, and across the nation, quietly continue to serve. Although out of uniform now and maybe decades after their honorable discharge, they find ways to keep helping their community...
There are plenty of thrillingly fun Halloween and fall events in Ozark County. We’ve compiled this list of local events:
Thursday, Oct. 31
Dora School’s trunk-or-treat: Dora School’s trunk-or-treat will begin at 5 p.m. Halloween night at the school. A hotdog, chips and a drink will be “sold” by...