LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Bridge repair is needed

I am writing concerning the bridge and low-water crossing on County Road 840 1 mile west of Noble. It is almost impassable by car. The ends of the bridge and low-water crossing are washed out, and you can’t go east or west. Each is in the same condition. They put a little dirt at the end, and when it rains again, it is the same as before. Looks like they need cement.
I am frustrated and angry for I am 85 years old and have a husband who is 86 and is disabled. We both are under a doctor’s care for heart problems. We need to know we can get out at least one way if the need arises.
I hope something can be done to solve the problem – and soon.
Thank you.
Jewell Frazier
Western District Commissioner Greg Donley responds:
Thank you for letting me know about the road problem in your area. After the Times shared your letter with me, I drove the crossings you mentioned and was able to cross them in a car. However, you’re right that they need work, and we will get them repaired as soon as possible.