Gainesville takes win

Photo by Karla Smith

In an Oct. 5 inter-county volleyball matchup, the Gainesville Bulldogs defeated the Dora Falcons. Pictured, from left: Gainesville player Savannah Bushner and Dora players Brailyn Hambelton and Natasha Slavik. The two teams join the other Ozark County high school volleyball team, Bakersfield, with a few more games next week before district play begins. Dora begins the class 1 district 8 tournament Oct. 17, while Bakersfield is set to compete in the class 1 district 7 tournament beginning on Oct. 19 and Gainesville will enter the class 2 district 9 tournament beginning on Oct. 17. 

Ozark County Times

504 Third Steet
PO Box 188
Gainesville, MO 65655

Phone: (417) 679-4641
Fax: (417) 679-3423