Thankful for the recent Unite to Worship services
Ozark County Christians “Unite to Worship” (see “Area churches this week hosting ‘Unite to Worship’ revival series, Times, Oct. 25) is the sort of thing that is much easier to say than to pull off. I guess I may have gone to the countywide revival the first night partially because I knew it was the good Christian thing to do. All of the rest of the week I went because I couldn’t stay away. I haven’t felt that closeness with my Lord in a long time. I felt that maybe we were blessing Him because His bride, the church, was together.
I am a humble servant and definitely one of the “least of these.” I am so thankful that I experienced this gathering of believers. Every speaker held up the Lord and preached to please Him (though I wonder if my preacher had told all of the other ministers my faults and shortcomings ahead of time. I have so much to work on).
I am so thankful to be awakened to the fact that we have church leaders in this area who are mature enough in the Word to stand and deliver what the Lord gives them, despite the naysayers. There have always been the self-righteous who will stand and pound their chest to get the masses to look at them. I thank the Lord that the Unite to Worship leaders only wanted us to see the Savior. We did.
Ron Yarger