Thanks from TAVFD fire chief, end-of-year reflection
By Chief John Lubbers
Theodosia Area Volunteer Fire Department
With the end of 2023 quickly approaching, as Chief of the Theodosia Area Volunteer Fire Department, I would like to share a brief recap of the year and pause to express appreciation and thanks.
As of Dec. 1, the TAVFD has had these calls for service: 147 times to assist EMS with medical calls, 16 calls for lift assists, seven structure fire suppression calls, 18 wildland fires with structures nearby or in the path of the blaze, four vehicle fires, six vehicle accidents, nine calls for assistance during the storm cycles and eight calls for miscellaneous service.
Responders: The most essential part of any rural volunteer fire department are the volunteer responders. The TAVFD has the same challenge as all of the VFDs throughout the region – a very limited number of volunteer responders available, many who have full-time jobs, businesses and family obligations.
The TAVFD covers a 128 square mile service area, and the availability of the limited qualified medical responders, along with the volume of the assist EMS medical calls means that we have calls that go unanswered.
With the limited responder availability, we train for a fire suppression calls to have only one or two firefighters for the first 20 to 45 minutes after arriving on scene. Knowing that Gainesville VFD, Pontiac/Price VFD and others from the area are coming to help is most appreciated. I am grateful and thank all of our mutual aid VFDs from area. Mutual aid is vital throughout the region.
Despite the challenges and the exposure to risk, I am very thankful that all of the dedicated and hardworking TAVFD and mutual aid responders went home safe from the 2023 calls for service.
The TAVFD operations: The TAVFD had a number of challenges this year with breakdowns and failures of apparatus and equipment. Rural fire departments are an expensive service to maintain as the aging equipment and trucks are used hard when called into service. I am very thankful of the support we received from Duke’s Truck Repair & Towing, Grisham’s Garage, Hometown Hardware and Stills Apparatus Repair.
Fundraisers, community outreach and membership drive: I appreciate the work of the responders and volunteers for their time and efforts with a number of fundraising and community outreach events this year. Events this year included two pancake breakfasts, a yard sale, Fourth of July event, Lutie field day, Party on the Hill, Hootin an Hollarin and Halloween. I want to extend a special thanks to Amanda Vandewalle for all her work to coordinate the events.
I thank our TAVFD board of director members and our office manager Lisa Engelhardt for all of their support throughout the year. Special thanks is given for the efforts and improvements this year with the membership dues drive. With no tax income coming in, and costs that continue to rise with apparatus, equipment, insurance and facilities upkeep, we hope the effort and improvement will raise the dues collected from current 37 percent participation we now have. We do our best to hold costs down to keep the service going. We seek and apply for grant opportunities, although they are very competitive.
I am thankful and appreciate everyone that helped the TAVFD operate for another year.
If you have any questions, comments or if you have interest or know of others that may have an interest in helping, please call 1-417-989-0250. The TAVFD needs responders to keep service going.
Wishing all the area responders, EMS, law enforcement, dispatchers and the community we serve a happy, safe and healthy holiday season and new year.