GHCC News: Feb. 28 , 2018

Hello from our home to yours. It was a fun and busy week here at the Gainesville Health Care Center. On Monday we took an exciting trip to Mountain Home, Arkansas, and enjoyed bowling at Driftwood Lanes. We took six residents and three staff members and had a blast. As we watched the ball roll down the lane, smiles flashed as we saw just how many pins we could knock over. After the game we loaded up in the bus and ate at McDonald’s for lunch.
While some residents were out bowling, back at GHCC, residents were joined by David Ball, who came to play beautiful music on the piano. Everyone loves when he comes to visit us.
On Tuesday, we had our resident council meeting where Norm Hartman joined us. In the afternoon we had Bible study with Debbie Cobb.
A fun game of dominoes started off our Wednesday morning. After lunch we played The Price Is Right. Those who played got very competitive on who was going to guess the closest price on the item. Prizes were given to the closest guess, but in our version of the game, everyone is a winner!
Norm Hartman joined us again on Thursday morning for our VFW bingo. We enjoy it when Norm comes to play bingo with us. In the afternoon, I did manicures for the ladies.
To wrap up the week, on Friday we played dominoes and watched movies.