Tecumseh news: July 3, 2018
I’m writing these items on Sunday morning, July 1, my 96th birthday. I would like to be in church this morning –anytime the church doors are open, I would like to be there. Church has always been part of my life, and wherever I’ve lived, I’ve looked up the church, and we went. I had the church ladies in my home when we lived in Montana. And when I was expecting my daughter Kris, the church ladies in Minneapolis, Kansas, gave me a baby shower. It was so nice to get acquainted with those ladies from the big Kansas wheat farms. We came from different backgrounds, but they accepted me and seemed glad I lived in their neighborhood. I would never miss church unless I’m disabled to the point that it’s just not possible, and that’s where I am now. So I go by the Serenity Prayer – things I can’t change, I have to accept. I’ve thought about that prayer a lot lately.
Thanks to all who’ve sent me birthday cards. At last count I had gotten 13, and they’re all set out on my table where I can enjoy them. They’ve come from all over – from my son-in-law Bill Luebbert in Salina, Kansas, who visited recently, and from Joy and Dale Cutbirth in Theodosia, Beulah Satterfield in Sparta, and Alene and Brent Herd in Miller. Lilly Ridge Church sent one, and my friend Elda Edwards of Theodosia enclosed an enjoyable letter and print-out of her home and activities at Turkey Creek Resort. (Elda and I took our EMT training together in years past.)
These friends seem to have adopted me and are so good to me. Alene and Brent sent me some Subway cards, so I will be enjoying some Subway sandwiches in the future.
These days my friends are my livelihood. They keep me going.
Alene had gotten acquainted with another person with an Ozark County connection – Jerry Crownover, who grew up here and whose column appears in the Times. Jerry signed it and wrote inside the cover, “Happy birthday to my favorite columnist!” The book is Life Is Simple, and I’m really enjoying it. I believe the book is for sale at the Historium, and I highly recommend it.
I’m enjoying my red rose bush and my day lilies, blooming away in my front yard.
Last week some passersby surprised me. It was a couple from St. Charles who had brought their little 7-year-old down to this area to visit the state park near Thayer. Then they headed to Branson on Highway 160, which runs by my house. The little girl became anxious to use the restroom, and when they saw my circle driveway, they pulled in and the mom came to the door with the little girl, asking if she could use the restroom.
I had no idea who they were, but they looked like good people. I’ve tried to make it a goal in my life to serve others and help them, doing things for others and not myself. So the little girl used my bathroom, and then they got in their car and headed on their way. They didn’t know Miller’s store, with a public restroom, was just around the bend.
Jerry Miller has been busy tending her garden. She sent her son Mark to my house with a good supply of vegetables. She said she had had Mark put down a big sheet of black plastic or paper over her rich garden soil. Then she punched holes in it and set her plants out in the soil beneath those holes. That way she has no weeds. How remarkable!
After my birthday on July 1, my daughter Kris’ birthday is July 16, and my daughter Karen’s birthday is July 29 –three family birthdays in July, and then my son Marlyn comes along the 21st of August.
It was 1940 when Karen arrived, born in the home of my husband Eldon Pitcock’s parents. Our doctor Prentiss Bushong and his wife Mary came for the delivery of my first two children - and spent the night with us. My mother-in-law fixed a nice bed for them to rest in. There were two beds in one bedroom. I was in one; they were in the other. Then my mother-in-law fixed a nice breakfast for us. Karen was born right after midnight, so by breakfast time I was hungry. Dr. Bushong also delivered Marlyn in 1942.
I find that, as you get older, as my daddy told me, you remember real well what happened 50 years ago or more – but you can’t always remember what happened yesterday!
Editor’s note: birthday greetings may be sent to Linnie Ingram at 27703 US Highway 160, Tecumseh, MO 65760