Zanoni news: April 25, 2018

Some days are good with 70 degrees lately but they don’t last. Soon it’s back to 50 degrees in the day and 30 at night. I hope May will be better. We got 2 1/2 inches of good rain on Sunday. It started about daylight and rained just about all day. That’s good for people who’ve got fertilizer and lime on their fields. A bunch of people have also been putting gardens out.
The bunch of cows and calves across the road were lying around one morning. There were some birds giving them a hard time. They were eagrets (cowbirds) who tried to pick flies off the cows.
Bobbi Barnes came by to borrow some tools out of the shop. They were logging at Gentryville.
We were in Mountain Home Tuesday. I had a doctor’s appointment because of a head cold and coughing. Got fixed up. I hope everyone who has this crud is better by now. Seems to be something going around.
I got ahead of the hummingbirds this spring. I put the feeder out on Tuesday, and the first one showed up on Friday. On Saturday there was two. Now I watch for sugar on sale.
Paul spread lime for Travis McConnaughy on Saturday. Travis, Sarah and the boys were on their way to Kansas to deliver a bull.
Paul turkey hunted a morning or two but had no luck. I really thing it’s a little early for good hunting.
The dogwood trees are having a hard time blooming out because it’s so cold.
We welcomed Mr. and Mrs. Tom Reed in church Sunday. They live in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and own a few acres close by.
I talked with Arlene Smith. Huey is still doing some final carpentry work on their new house.
Everyone have a good work and buy some gas for your lawn mower before it goes up.