Dora FFA members attend state convention

Dora FFA members who attended the 90th Missouri State FFA Convention April 19-20 at the Hearnes Center on the University of Missouri campus in Columbia included, from left (front), Kyle Lee, Whitney Evans, Abby Kelley, Kylie Smith; (back) Keeli Land, Dylan Martin, Jon Pettit, Jason Barnett and Heather Carroll.
In addition to Samuel Turnbull’s first place forest management proficiency award (see story at right) Dora was represented by area winners Jonathon Pettit (in agricultural mechanics fabrication and design) and Heather Carroll (in food service). Jonathon’s award was for his work in HVAC work with his father Craig and business partner Bobby Owens. Heather is employed by Spring Dipper at West Plains, the only ice cream restaurant in the area that crafts its own ice cream with currently more than 30 flavors.