Tecumseh news: Feb. 28, 2018

It’s Feb. 26 as I write these items. My daddy was born on this day in 1874, a few years after his family moved to Missouri from Tennessee. They homesteaded near Marshfield and later lived at Mammoth. My son Lyndon now lives in Webster County near the old home place.
Remembering days gone by, in my childhood we had no TV and only a party line phone so we had little knowledge of the outside world except that my family subscribed to the Springfield newspaper. That helped us be more aware – and it also helped my social studies during my high school days. You had to furnish your own poles to bring the telephone to your home, and I remember Daddy going out to cut down trees and skinning them and then helping dig the holes for the poles when our telephone was to be installed. Having a phone made our lives more interesting.
Groundhog Day is behind us, but I am reminded of it every time I look out my kitchen window and see the groundhog hole out there under my gas tank. Seeing it reminds me that the groundhog supposedly saw his shadow on Feb. 2, which means we are due for more winter.
Best wishes to Neoma Moody, who has had shingles recently. I don’t know the procedure, but Maxine Shanerman, now deceased, told me that ether was a remedy for shingles. I don’t know whether it was breathing it in or rubbing it on, but Maxine used to say ether would make life more bearable during that dreaded condition.
I was sad to hear that my cousin Wade Crawford died recently in Ramona, California. His brother Willis “Budger” Crawford died several years ago in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. They were the sons of Lue and Gail Robbins Crawford
Jerry Miller has been busy getting seeds planted inside so she’ll be ready to move the plants outside when it gets warmer. She has her son bring rich dirt into her garden area, and then she puts down black paper over the soil and punches holes in the paper. She plants her plants in those holes – and then she doesn’t have to bother pulling weeds. She has special gardening skills. It’s good to have a neighbor like Jerry.
Best wishes to Bobby Grisham and daughter Greta, as I think of them often and know they’re missing their wife and mother, Imogene.
I didn’t measure the rain over the weekend, but I’ve heard we got at least 2 inches in our neighborhood. Some areas got much more.