Zanoni news: Feb. 21, 2018

It’s Monday morning as I’m writing, and we have had a little over 1 inch of rain in two showers. It’s supposed to rain some more this week.
Our road has been busy the last few days with trucks hauling hay and logs going both ways.
Paul and Lee Van Camp have been cutting and hauling cedar logs to the cedar mill.
We went to West Plains Friday evening to get some tubs for the cattle and came back by The Hitchin Post in Caulfield for supper.
The Lincoln Grisham family is doing some remodeling in their house.
There were several out of church Sunday due to not feeling good and not wanting to spread anything.
We have been seeing bald and golden eagles. They are beautiful sitting in the top of trees.
Dwain and Betty, and Dave and Mary Morrison attended the birthday party for Verd Morrison Saturday. It was held at Verd’s grandson, Aaron Morrison’s at Rogersville. Verd is the last one of the A.P. “Doc” and Alpha Morrison children living. We wish him many more happy birthdays.
Lewis and Kathy Bishop came to visit Ray McDaniel Saturday. Kathy is Ray’s daughter, and they live in Mountain Home.
We extend our sympathy to the ones who have lost loved ones.
We wish all the killing and mean stuff that goes on would stop. Seems like every day it happens somewhere.
Everyone have a good week, and if it rains don’t get wet.