Events move inside ahead of ‘frightening’ forecast

Ozark County Chamber president Doug Hawkins, right, and Amy Green were rocking the disco look at last year’s trunk-or-treat event in Gainesville.
A forecast of frigid, rainy weather on Halloween has led some activity planners to move their outdoor events inside. Date or place changes for outdoor events that had been announced by press time Tuesday are listed below. For each event’s details, as well as for information about planned indoor events, see the Oct. 23 edition of the Times or visit the Ozark County Times Facebook page.
Rockbridge Trout Ranch Fall Festival: Changed to Friday and Saturday, Nov. 1-2
Halloween night
Bakersfield Trunk-or-Treat: 5 p.m. Thursday. The event has not moved. It will be held at Pride Park ballfields. Those handing out candy can set up as early as 4:30 p.m.
Bakersfield Annual Harvest Festival, 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday. The event will be held, as originally planned, in Pride Park pavillion. For information, contact First Baptist Church: or 417-204-5810.
Dora Trunk-or-Treat, 4:30 p.m. Thursday: The event has moved from the Dora Saddle Club Grounds to the Dora School cafeteria.
Lutie School Trunk-or-Treat, Theodosia, 5 to 6 p.m. Thursday: This event has moved from the Lutie School parking lot into the school cafeteria. Those who plan to hand out candy are asked to contact the school at 417-273-4150 beforehand to make arrangements.
Ozark County’s annual Trunk-or-Treat, 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday. This event has moved from the Gainesville square to the Gainesville High School gym. Those handing out candy are asked to bring a table or booth; set-up can begin as early as 4:30 p.m.