Of 11 county entities, only Dora will hold board member election

The boards of 11 Ozark County entities – schools, municipalities and public agencies – have positions coming open this spring, but only one, the Dora R-III School District, will hold an election on April 2, the state’s general municipal election day.
Missouri law specifies that an election doesn’t have to be held if the number of candidates equals the number of openings on these boards, and that’s the case in 10 of the 11 Ozark County groups. The exception is the Dora school district, where five candidates have filed for two three-year-positions coming open. The filing deadline was Jan. 15.
Those who are not yet registered have until March 6 to register to vote in the April 2 election. Absentee voting opens six weeks before the election, on Feb. 19.
Here’s the list of boards and their candidates.
• Bakersfield: one one-year position, one two-year position and two three-year positions are coming open. The three-year terms of board president Bruce Bales Bales and vice president Charles Moss are expiring, as well as a two-year term to fill the seat currently held by Mike Zimmer, whose job makes him unable to make the meetings. The one-year position coming open is to fill the unexpired term held by Kevin Kuk, who resigned because he moved out of the district. Jonathan Belt and incumbent Bales filed for the two three-year terms. Jonathan Lashley filed for the unexpired two-year term, and Michael Scott filed for the unexpired one-year term.
• Dora: Two three-year positions are coming open, those held by Lynda Smith and Jeff Strong. Both Strong and Smith have filed for re-election, and Tim Masters, Dan Hurd and Dustin Howard also filed.
• Gainesville: Two three-year positions are coming open, those held by Heather Bushner and Robbie Walrath. Both incumbents filed for re-election, and no other candidates filed.
• Lutie: Two three-year positions are coming open, those held by Robert Edwards and Matthew Shockey. Neither incumbent filed for re-election, but Suzanne Meeks and Jennifer Garrison filed for the two spots.
• Thornfield: Two three-year positions are coming, those held by Daniel Collins and Shane Funk. Both incumbents filed for re-election, and no other candidates filed.
City of Bakersfield: Two two-year terms are coming open, those currently held by Dianna Stover and Erin Bonham. Both incumbents filed for re-election, and no other candidates filed.
City of Gainesville: Three two-year terms are coming open, those held by west ward alderman Shane Ledbetter, center ward alderman Treva Warrick and east ward alderman Dana Crisp. All three incumbents have filed for re-election, and no other candidates have filed.
Theodosia Village: Two two-year positions are coming open on the Theodosia Board of Trustees, the seats currently held by Bret Cook and Paul Dettinger. Both incumbents filed for re-election, and no other candidates have filed.
Ozark County Ambulance District: Two three-year terms are expiring, the District 1 seat currently held by Jerri Sue Crawford, and the District 4 seat currently held by Greg Zubrod. Both incumbents have filed for re-election, and no other candidates have filed.
Ozark County Health Department: Two four-year terms are coming open, those currently held by Sue Orf of Bakersfield and Bill Cockrum of Gainesville. Both incumbents have filed for re-election, and no other candidates have filed.
Public Water District #1 in Theodosia: One three-year term, currently held by Connie Johns, is coming open. Johns has filed for re-election, and no other candidates have filed.