2017 cookbooks are nearly gone; 2018 edition now in works
Ozark County Cookin’ , the Ozark County Times’annual cookbook, was published last week, and by Monday, nearly all vendors’ supplies of the popular free publication had been depleted. We’ll restock as we deliver this week’s Times today, but it’s expected that all remaining copies will soon be gone.
Wherever we go, we hear that area residents lovethe cookbook, with its recipes, stories and photos of the cooks who made the recipes “famous,” at least within their circles of family and friends. We also hear repeatedly, “Oh! I meant to send you something for the cookbook!” but by then, of course, it’s too late for the current edition.
However it’s never too late for the next year’s cookbook. So ... quick! While you’re thinking of it, send us a recipe, a story, a photo – whatever you want to share from your own or your family’s treasure trove of kitchen-inspired memories and culinary favorites, and we’ll save it in our files for inclusion in the 2018 edition.
We hope you’ll be thinking of the cookbook all year long and sharing the coming year’s kitchen encounters with us. If your church has a dedicated group of cooks who regularly feed the flock, round them up for a photo when the tables are ladened and share beloved church-dinner recipes. When someone makes your favorite dish, take a photo and send it to us with the recipe.
Call us at 679-4641 for details. Or email your submissions to norene@ozarkcountytimes.com, bring them to the Times office or mail them to P.O. Box 188, Gainesville, MO 65655. And remember: your entry may be the one selected in a random drawing for next year’s $100 prize.