Black-walnut hulling stations open, early October price is $15/100 pounds

Black walnut hulling station. Photo courtesy of Hammond Hullers.
Black-walnut hulling stations have opened for the season throughout the Midwest, and a news release from Stockton-based Hammons Hullers says the company is paying an “opening price” of $15 per 100 pounds (after hulling) to those bringing black walnuts to one of the company’s hulling sites. The announcement adds that “the price may change later in the season, so people are encouraged to get their nuts in by early October.”
To find nearby hulling stations, visit Nearby sites include those operated by Freedom Farms at 512 County Road 815 west of Gainesville, Richard Johnston at 200-282 Highway 160 in Caulfield, Danny Adkisson on County Road 14-253 in Drury and Brian Kellett at 3346 U Highway in Protem.
Hammons Hullers president Brian Hammons said in the news release that the company is hoping for “an abundant harvest of at least 24 million pounds of nuts, and perhaps as many as 30 million pounds. This would be a very good harvest after the past three years with below-average crops.”
Hammons added that the demand for black walnuts is at an all-time high, thanks to the health-food sector, where “chefs and bloggers [are] utlizing the nut in more diverse ways than ever before.”