Gainesville citywide fall clean up is Oct. 7-8

The city of Gainesville will host its fall citywide clean up and big trash days next Monday and Tuesday. The city holds the clean ups in both the spring and fall to allow residents to place additional trash at their pick up sites to keep the city neat and clean.

The city of Gainesville will host its fall citywide clean up, also known as “big trash day” by locals next week. Those who regularly get their trash picked up on Mondays will have citywide clean up on Monday, Oct. 7, and those who regularly get their trash picked up on Tuesday will have city-wide clean up on Tuesday, Oct. 8. 

On the clean up day, Gainesville city limit residents will be able to place large trash that is usually not accepted at the curb for pickup. There is no trash bag limit, but all trash must be bagged. Furniture, cardboard boxes and other large items are accepted. Each customer is allowed to leave one microwave and one TV. Tires are accepted but must be cut into three pieces. Large items which cannot fit in a bag are not required to be bagged.

Customers are asked to have all items to the curb on the night before their usual pickup day, as the time of pickup will likely be altered due to the extra work involved with the clean up days.

These items are not accepted due to landfill restrictions: hazardous waste, batteries, antifreeze, oil, ashes or yard waste, wet paint or appliances.

Trash pickup and trash cart rentalagre provided to Gainesville city limit customers as part of their city taxfunded benefits.

Ozark County Times

504 Third Steet
PO Box 188
Gainesville, MO 65655

Phone: (417) 679-4641
Fax: (417) 679-3423