LOCAL BEEF: it’s what’s for (school) lunch.

Dora Elementary School Principal Sherry Ross, left, and School Resource Officer Jeremy McKee grill up burgers for school lunch using local beef.
On Friday, Oct. 4, beef was on the menu at Dora School - more specifically freshly grilled cheeseburgers made from fresh, local beef that originated from cattle born, raised and processed right here in these Ozark hills.
That special first lunch, made possible by a beef donation by Central Ozark Stockyards in Ava, was the launching point of Dora School District’s new partnership with MO Beef Kids, a non-profit program that connects schools and their lunchrooms with cattle farmers to provide meat for school lunches.
“Our goal is provide more beef, more often in the lunchroom, while implementing food and nutrition education in the classroom,” the website mobeefkids.com explains. “This powerful partnership highlights the important message and journey of food and nutrition, while adding important protein to a student’s diet.”
The school is currently accepting both financial and beef sponsorships to join more than a dozen local businesses, farmers and organizations to help continue the program throughout the year. Funds from financial sponsorships will be used to assist in purchasing beef, logistics around beef donations, classroom materials and program resources.
Superintendent Brett Mitchell says he’s excited to see how the program develops over the school year. “It provides the opportunity for the Dora cattle farmers to ‘beef’ up school lunches,” he said.
Deanna Frazier, the Dora School food services director, says she’s also excited to be able to offer local beef on the school lunch menu as donations are provided. If there are enough donations, local beef could be a regular offering in the cafeteria.
Deanna says students and parents can look for the abbreviation “MO” on the school lunch menu to indicate that meal is offered using local beef through the MO Beef Kids program.
“We are excited to be able to incorporate fresh beef in our school lunches and in our students’ bellies,” she said.
To find out more about the MO Beef Kids program, call Dora School at 417-261-2337.