Local holiday closures set

Happy holidays!
The Ozark County Courthouse and most other government offices, including post offices, will be closed Monday, Dec. 25, in observance of Christmas, and Jan. 1, in observance of New Year’s Day. The Ozark County Commission will postpone its usual Monday meetings until 9 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 26, and Tuesday, Jan. 2.
Gainesville City Hall will also be closed on Christmas and New Year’s Day as will most area businesses.
The Center will be closed Friday, Dec. 23, as well as Monday, Dec. 25, and Monday, Jan. 1. The Ozark County Volunteer Library will be closed Dec. 23-25 and Jan. 1.
The Ozark County Extension Center will be closed all week, from Dec. 25 through Jan. 1, reopening Jan. 2.
The Gainesville License Office will be closed Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 26-26, and also on Monday, Jan. 1.
The Ozark County Times will be closed Monday, Dec. 25, and Monday, Jan. 1. The news and advertising deadlines will be at noon the preceding Fridays.