
We are still dry. If it rains a little, the wind comes up and dries it up fast. Sunday morning it looked like a snow on the ground, but it was just the heavy frost. When the sun came out, it got real foggy. The wildlife have been around, including deer and turkeys. Also, the meadowlarks have been...
My friend Jerry Miller is expecting her two nephews coming from the Gulf Coast, one from Mississippi and and the other from Louisiana. They’re coming to bow hunt for the deer.  I enjoyed a Sunday visit and dinner with my daughter Kris and granddaughter Alexus. We visited in Dave and Karen Davis’...
Hello from our home to yours. Last week was busy and eventful. The building is all decorated for Halloween, and the scarecrows throughout the building are spooktacular! We are very much into the Halloween spirit this year.  After our morning exercises Monday morning, we gathered in the dining room...
The Ozark County Chamber of Commerce will hold its 2017 annual meeting during its regular monthly meeting time at noon Wednesday, Nov. 8, in the Century Bank training room.  Officer elections will be held at this meeting. All Chamber members are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact...
Tax statements for 2017 were mailed last week, according to Ozark County Collector Billy Hambelton, who shared the photo, left, of the statements being delivered to the post office. “People who own real estate and/or personal property in Ozark County should have received their statements by now,”...

If Roscoe the dog were a cat he would already have used up at least two of his nine lives – first when someone apparently dumped him off near Lost Woods Golf Course as a skin-and-bones, flea-ridden puppy a few years ago, and then again last week when someone shot him after he wandered away from the home he shares with the Shockeys, his adoptive family, on HH Highway near Isabella. In happier times, Roscoe enjoys a golf cart ride with his family: Brandi and Matt Shockey, front, and their kids, Bradley (left) and Emma.
In his short life, the Shockey family’s beloved dog Roscoe has had some close encounters with death – and also with angels. We’re glad to report that, so far, his stories keep having happy endings.  Roscoe turned up a few years ago at Lost Woods Golf Course, where Brandi Shockey works. Still just a...
The Pontiac Price Place Volunteer Fire Department will hold its annual hunters dinner at 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 11, at Fire Station #1 next to the Pontiac post off Post Office on W Highway in Pontiac. The menu will include turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, cranberry relish...
Hammond Mill Camp, Inc., will host a work day for volunteers on Saturday, Nov. 11. Help is needed for campground cleanup and other outdoor tasks. Lunch will be provided. Everyone is invited to come spend some time volunteering and enjoy the beautiful scenery at the historic Hammond Mill Camp, which...
The Brixey-Rockbridge Volunteer Fire Department will host a fall fling cookout at 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 4, at the firehouse on Highway 95 between N Highway and Bryant Creek. Fall fling is a community event and fundraiser for the fire department. It will include a bonfire and horseshoes, and free...
The Gainesville Board of Aldermen recently accepted a donation from Donald Amyx of paved property at Main and Fourth streets in Gainesville, according to the unofficial minutes of the board’s Oct. 10 meeting. The property, a little less than an acre, adjoins the parking lot opposite City Hall that...


Ozark County Times

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PO Box 188
Gainesville, MO 65655

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