Greetings from your state Capitol.
The House and Senate took major steps last week toward the completion of the Fiscal Year 2019 state operating budget. Both chambers must reach an agreement on the spending plan by May 11. The House sent its version of the budget to the Senate at the end of March. The Senate then approved its version of the budget and sent it to the House last week.
On Thursday, the House approved motions to send the majority of the appropriations bills to conference committees where lead negotiators from both sides will meet to iron out differences between the two chambers.
This week the House passed to the Senate the following bills:
HB 1289 modifies provisions for ballot initiatives and referendums.
HB 1999 modifies provisions for public utility rate adjustment.
HCB 11 modifies provisions relating to persons under protective custody.
HCB 14 modifies provisions relating to the designation of state highways.
HCB 16 modifies provisions relating to agriculture.
Last week we amended several Senate bills that came to us and sent them back to the Senate. These amended bills usually wind up in conference committees also. Then we’ll vote on the conference committee report.
Complete bill information can be found on the House website at www.house.mo.gov.
As always, it is a privilege to represent you in state government.