Last week wrapped up the second regular session of the 99th General Assembly. Last week also wrapped up the final regular session for me since term limits are bringing my time in the General Assembly to an end. It’s been a good ride, but it’s time for me to go home and back to family and the farm. I’m taking with me some very good memories made with good friends I’ve come to know since my time here that I’ll treasure forever. The best part of this job has been getting to know so many constituents in the 155th House District over the last eight years. It has truly been a pleasure serving you and the citizens of the state of Missouri.
Last week I was happy to visit with the Bradleyville seventh and eighth graders along with their teacher Becky Williams. They came to tour the Capitol and to watch the House in session. It was great to see them!
I will be sending out an End of Session report in local newspapers in June. This report will include a list of all the “Truly Agreed to and Finally Passed” bills that were sent to the governor’s office for his signature. It will also include budget information for the new fiscal year.
Complete bill information can be found on the House website at house.mo.gov.
As always, it is a privilege to represent you in state government.