Gainesville sixth graders, teachers and several parents toured the Capitol in Jefferson City April 30. Pictured, from left (first row): Jamon Crisp, Tyler Ellison, Kannon Morrison, Corwin Morris, Elijah Burrow, Nathan Sanchez, Kelsie Ripley, Nicole Byerley, Ashley Dunn, Skylar Acklin; (second row) Mr. Jason Morris, Aiden Anderson, Jillian Morse, Savannah Bushner, Alexia Cowart, Emily McClure, Abigail Weisbrod, Emory Warden, Leigha Rowland, Dylan Woodward; (third row) Mrs. Melanie Johns, Andrew Hambelton, Sarah Hossman, Lakyn Suter, Marcus Winrod, Morgan Strain, Amber Gibson, Diana Wages, Madison Petter, Maddox Wynn; (fourth row) Mrs. Sheila Thomas, Mrs. Ralena Roberts, Taylor Shaw, Lahna Pecina, Marcy Henderson, James Loggins, Leland Adams, Nick Goodson, Chevy Mahan,Robert Dover, Garrett Taber, Jarett Hoganl (top row) Representative Lyle Rowland, Creeden Campbell, Sean Wallace, Easton McGee, Loran Myers, Kailey Ramagli, Brady Myers, Owen Possehl, Wyatt Walker, Nathan Kiger, Derek Winrod.
Last week we had lots of visitors to the Capitol. On Monday, I had the opportunity to meet with the Gainesville sixth graders along with their principal, teachers and a large group of parents. On Friday, Forsyth juniors and seniors (government students) along with their teachers and parents visited. It was definitely a pleasure to see them all.
The Senate and House leadership has enough signatures to call for a special session that will be for making decisions on how to handle the actions of Governor Greitens. The special session can last for 30 days, if needed. Hope-fully this will allow the legislature to focus on this topic alone so that this regular session’s legislation can have our full attention, without any distractions, before our deadline of 6 p.m. May 18.
Last week the House passed to the Senate the following bills:
HB 1554 allows persons with certain serious medical conditions to use medical cannabis.
HB 1739 allows the court to depart from minimum sentencing provisions in certain circumstances.
HB 2179 prohibits public bodies from entering into certain contracts.
HB 2407 establishes the Advisory Council on Rare Diseases and Personalized Medicine.
HB 2438 specifies that board members of a nonprofit organization are exempt from workers’ compensation requirements.
HB 2499 modifies provisions relating to videoconferencing at parole hearings.
HB 2538 requires the Department of Natural Resources to submit a report to the General Assembly regarding maintenance, repair and construction of state parks.
HCB 23 modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions.
The following bills were Truly Agreed To And Finally Passed and will be sent to the governor:
SB 644 creates new provisions relating to unclaimed property.
SB 683 modifies provisions relating to the transportation of construction cranes.
SB 705 modifies provisions relating to rate adjustments outside of general rate proceedings for certain public utilities.
SB 814 modifies provisions relating to driver’s licenses for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.
SB 862 modifies provisions relating to electrical contractors.
HB 1268 allows the Missouri Dental Board to issue dental faculty permits to individuals who are employed by accredited dental schools, colleges, or programs in Missouri.
HB 1286 modifies provisions of law relating to the detonation of explosives and actions for private nuisances brought against certain permittees.
HB 1492 changes the law regarding the Show-Me Heroes program.
HB 1744 modifies the A+ Schools Program by removing the requirement that the student’s attendance of public high school occur in the three years immediately prior to graduation.
HB 1880 declares the intent of the general assembly to facilitate and encourage development of fiber optic infrastructure by rural electric cooperatives.
HB 2034 modifies provisions relating to industrial hemp.
HB 2116 exempts certain types of vessels from provisions prohibiting passengers from riding in certain areas of a motorboat.
HB 2101 specifies that guardian ad litem fees shall not be automatically waived in certain civil actions.
Complete bill information can be found on the House website at house.mo.gov.
As always, it is a privilege to represent you in state government.