Celebrating 92nd birthday

Celebrating 92nd birthday Friends and family of Lura Faye Hambelton, right, are invited to join her in celebrating her 92nd birthday from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday, March 4, at the home of her daughter, Charlotte Hambelton Barr, 63 Panoramic Point northeast of Gainesville (immediately off of County Road 312). Lura is shown here with her sister, Fern Beasley, at the recent celebration of Fern’s 78th birthday at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Jerry and Sherri Beasley. Lura and Fern are the only two remaining siblings of the eight children born to Arthur and Ollie Miller. Lura has lived almost all of her 92 years in Ozark County, and she loves celebrating her birthdays with family and friends. In years past, she would celebrate by hosting old-fashioned music parties in her home. She requests no gifts but welcomes cards, which she enjoys reading repeatedly; each one is saved. They may be mailed to her at 2381 County Road 312, Gainesville, MO 65655. Her actual birthday is Feb. 26.