Emmett Blake Guffey
Wed, 10/18/2017 - 2:55pm

Emmett Blake Guffey
Lindsay and Blake Guffey of Overland Park, Kansas, are the parents of a baby boy, Emmett Blake Guffey, born Sept. 18, 2017, at St. Luke’s South Hospital in Overland Park. He weighed 7 pounds 5.9 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.
Grandparents are Bob and Debra Guffey of Gaines-ville and Mike and Vi Tubaugh of Carthage. Great-grandparents are Lorene Thurman of Ava and Fay Storm of Lamar, and the late Brad and Jacquetia Guffey, Lester Thurman, Lee Storm and Walter and Fernetta Tubaugh.