ENGAGEMENT: Cunningham-Suter
Thu, 06/07/2018 - 11:43am

Donnie and Karen Cunningham of Thornfield announcement the engagement and forthcoming wedding of their daughter, Sara Jo Cunningham, to Shane Suter of Theodosia, son of Angela Ellison of Theodosia and Kent Suter of Gainesville. Grandparents of the bride-elect are Rex and Patty Donley of Gainesville, Linda Carr of Springfield and Jerry and Joyce Cunningham of Kansas City, Kansas. Johnalee Suter is grandmother of the groom-elect. The ceremony will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday, June 16, 2018, at Ava Assembly of God on Highway 5 in Ava. A reception will follow at the church. All friends and family members are invited.