WEDDING: Duquette-Crisp

Carla Hunt Duquette and Derek Crisp, center, shown here with their attendants DeAnn Ebrite and Kerry Robbins, were married May 26, 2018, in the riverside pavilion behind Dawt Church of Christ with Wayne Stewart officiating. The bride and groom, both graduates of Gainesville High School, dated 40 years ago when she was a senior in high school and he was a senior college. They eventually went separate ways but recently reconnected. The bridal party and guests stayed at the nearby Dawt Mill resort on property formerly owned by the bride’s grandparents, the late Fannie and Ray Hunt. The bride and her daughter, Brianna Composto, and attendant DeAnn Ebrite were driven from the mill to the wedding site by the bride’s father, Carl Hunt, in a side-by-side ATV. Carla told the Times “the little church at Dawt was the first church I ever attended. My grandmother and I used to walk from the mill down to the Church of Christ every Sunday.” The day after the wedding, Stewart baptized the newlyweds in the North Fork of the White River.