
Graveside services for Charles Lee Fienhold, 61, of Bakersfield, will be held at 10 a.m. Friday, April 20, 2018, at Udall Cemetery in Udall. Mr. Fienhold died April 15 at his home in Bakersfield.He was born Jan. 22, 1957, in Gainesville, the son of Gerald and Mary Davis Fienhold. His family and...

This undated photo was taken by M. C. Stephens looking west at the “steel bridge” that was completed over the North Fork of the White River (now Lake Norfork) in Tecumseh in 1924 at a cost of $50,063, according to A History of Ozark County 1841-1991. An item shared below from the April 18, 1924, Ozark County Times reports that “several hundred people” had come on a Sunday to watch workmen install the bridge’s concrete floor. The people in this photo are unknown, but they had apparently gathered to be photographed at the newly completed bridge that was considered a modern marvel at the time. The bridge, 18 feet wide, continued in service until it was replaced in 1988 by the current 38-foot-wide bridge, which was built at a cost of $2.1 million (including removal of the old bridge). This photo is one of many historical images shared on the Dora School Library’s Facebook page.
Ozark County TimesApril 17, 1903J. T. Luna Sr., who lives 10 miles north of Gaines-ville, happened to the misfortune of losing his residence by fire last Monday night. The house caught from the smoke house, and as to how the smoke house caught fire is a mystery to Mr. Luna.He saved some few of his...
James McKinley Hudson, 84, of Gainesville, died April 8, 2018, at his home. Close family members will be invited to a graveside memorial service to be held later at Loftis Cemetery.He was born May 4, 1933, in Gainesville, the son of Ambrose McKinley and Mable Olive (Red) Hudson. He grew up working...
Funeral services for Mary Lou Sallee, 87, of Ava, are scheduled for 2 p.m. today, April 11, 2018, in the Ava United Methodist Church in Ava with Pastor Oren Alcorn and Pastor Jessica Foster officiating. Visitation was Tuesday evening in the Ava High School gymnasium. Mrs. Sallee died April 6 at her...

This photo, reprinted from the World War I book Called to the Colors, published last year by the Historium, is believed to show the second contingent of 64 military draftees who gathered in Gainesville in February 1918 to be taken to the train station in West Plains in a caravan of 15 cars. The Times reported, “It took a half hour for all the cars to cross the North Fork on the Hodo ferry. Crowds thronged the ferry and the waysides to wave cheer and blessings.” The book lists the names of the men separately from the photo, so we don’t know who’s who in the picture. But one of them is believed to be Lawrence Cates, who shipped out with the second contingent, and whose death at Camp Funston was reported in the April 12, 1918, Times item shown below.
Ozark County TimesApril 12, 1918 Lawrence Cates, one of the 64 boys who left here on Feb. 25 for the training camp at Camp Funston, died of pneumonia on Wednesday of last week.The body arrived at the home of his parents near Noble on Saturday and was interred with impressive ceremonies in the...
Michael and Kathleen Koon of Caulfield are the parents of a baby boy, Hixson Marshall, born March 27, 2018, at Ozarks Medical Center in West Plains. He weighed 5 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long. His grandparents are Craig and Sherri Cromer, Larry and Liz Harris, and Merle Koon, all of...

Ethel Bohannon
Ethel Bohannon of Howards Ridge will celebrate her 90th birthday with a party hosted by her children from 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 14, at the Lick Creek VFD firehouse on J Highway. Everyone is invited; Ethel welcomes greeting cards but asks that no gifts be given.She was born April 12, 1928, in...

John Stephens
Ava resident John Stephens isn’t physically able to celebrate his upcoming 90th birthday with a party, but he enjoys getting greeting cards. Friends and relatives who wish to send greetings may address them to him at Route 3, Box 34, Ava, MO 65608.He was born April 9, 1928, in Ozark County south of...

This photo of “Elbert Amyx and His Project” is taken from a 1930-31 booklet in the Historium’s collection that was published by Bakersfield School to promote its innovative programs. The text with the photo says, “Vocational Agriculture is the only course offered in high school in which the boy earns while learning. Each boy taking Vocational Agriculture is required to carry on a home project related to the school work and supervised by the instructor, carried to completion on the farm. ... [T]he boys are given practical training in farm shop in which they learn the fundamentals of woodwork, sheet metal, hot metal, concrete, leather and rope. Students are also given practical training in the field in almost every line of farm management such as soil improvement, erosion, pruning, and judging.” Interestingly, while the 1930s text refers only to boys, state numbers show that the number of vo ag students today is split about evenly between male and female students. And two of Ozark County’s four high school vo ag teachers are women.
Ozark County TimesApril 3, 1908 The news of the death of Edward Upton last Sunday came as a shock to his many friends of this vicinity. He was taken dangerously sick with pneumonia on Sunday, just a week before he died, and grew rapidly worse until his death.Mr. Upton was a member of the Masonic...
The following criminal cases, traffic/municipal tickets and infractions were filed in Ozark County court between Tuesday, March 20, and Monday, March 26. All those charged are presumed innocent pending final court action. Randy Delee Reynolds, Nixa, owner/operator motor vehicle without maintaining...


Ozark County Times

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