Shane Olmsted earns American FFA Degree
Shane Olmsted, a 2016 graduate of Dora High School, was recently awarded the American FFA Degree at the 90th annual FFA Convention in Washington, D.C. The degree is awarded to members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to FFA and made significant accomplishments in their supervised agricultural experiences (SAEs).
The American FFA Degree is awarded year year at the National FFA Convention to fewer than 1 percent of FFA members, making it one of the organization’s highest honors.
In addition to the degree, each recipient receives a gold American FFA Degree key.
Shane is a two-time past area- and state-qualifying proficiency award winner. He competed on two state- qualifying CDE teams and served as the Dora chapter’s vice president. Shane also showed market hogs and represented the chapter in trap shooting and cattle working. He currently attends Missouri State University-West Plains and is employed by The Concrete Works.