Ozark Countians among grads at Missouri State-WP

Several Ozark Countians are among the 267 candidates for graduation from Missouri State University-West Plains during commencement ceremonies to be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 19, at the West Plains Civic Center.
Chelsea D. Johnston from Bakersfield and Tara L. Land of Dora will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education.
Kandi J. Shelton of Bakersfield will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in general business.
Ozark Countians who will graduate with an Associate of Arts degree in general studies include Brianna Alexis Bentley and Shae Nicole Roberts of Caulfield, Zachary Kohn Voss of Pontiac, and Sarah Elisabeth Evans and Seth W. Evans of Tecumseh.
Lacy Marie Dunnihoo of Caulfield and Kelsi Layne Land of Dora will graduate with an Associate of Arts in Teaching degree, with an emphasis on elementary education.
Alyssa Jean Dillon of Tecumseh will graduate with an Associate of Science degree in business.
These Ozark Countians will graduate with an Associate of Science degree in nursing: Andrea Michelle Lewis of Caulfield, Lyndsey Bree Hurd and Austin Neil Peck of Dora, Christina Ann Jones and Whitney Nicole Nash of Gainesville, and Joshua Eugene Cone of Pontiac.