Times past: Feb. 28, 2018

This photo, which originally accompanied a story about Ozarks theaters in the West Plains Gazette, showed the “Famous Talkie Tent Show” that Forrest and Oneta Glass took to a Bakersfield Fourth of July celebration in 1939. In the early 1940s, World War II created shortages of gasoline and tires, limiting the circuit the Glasses could travel with their “Talkie Tent.” As a result, they reportedly set up permanent theaters in both Bakersfield and Dora. The Bakersfield theatre, which they called the Glass Theatre, was sold when Forrest died in 1958. This photo was reprinted in the February 2008 edition of the Old Mill Run, accompanying a story by Kenneth Brown titled “History of Movie Theatres in Ozark County.”
Ozark County Times
Feb. 22, 1918
Bakersfield school notes – The final 8th grade examination was given last week. The applicants were Defsey Baker, Anna Powell, Bettie Wheeler and Othie Davis.
The stars and stripes is now floating over our school building.
The Red Cross chapter gave a box supper on Feb. 15 for the purpose of securing funds to purchase material to use in making hospital garments. The ladies prepared 45 dainty boxes which brought $54.25
March 1, 1918
Howards Ridge – Bert Kirkland and Homer Satterfield started to Camp Funston Monday morning.
Miss Bessie Stevens, who is teaching at Gainesville, visited with home folks Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Lucy Brown is going to school at Gainesville.
March 4, 1927
Hammond – Mrs. Grudier was one of the 20 million listeners who heard the president speak on Washington’s birthday. The speech was a memorial to our first president and was made before a joint session of Congress.
The men have signed their tomato contracts. George expects to make this the banner year in canning.
March 2, 1928
Noble – Mr. Wade has lots of company since he has installed his radio.
The high school is preparing for an oratorical and declamatory contest and a fine drama for the close of school.
Mr. Kastning sold a horse and two Jersey cows last week, and Joe Davis sold a mule.
Rockbridge – Howard Liniger bought a horse from P. M. Brown.
Bushong Bros. of Tecumseh have bought the B. V. Morris & Co. store and are taking charge this week.
March 4, 1943
Lilly Ridge – Elsa Crawford has been hanging wallpaper for Gail Crawford.
Everett Blacksher found a pair of glasses between his home and the schoolhouse. Owner may call and get them.
Noble – Congratulations to the newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lawson. Mrs. Lawson was the former Ellen Parcel.
Mr. and Mrs. Buford Smith are the happy parents of a baby boy.
Locust – Mrs. Alma Luna closed a successful term of school here last week.
Everett Johnson and another man graded the road through by Locust to Pontiac road last week. Sure helps a lot.
Benton breeding bought a horse from Jimmie Luna.
Feb. 29, 1968
The Rackley Agency here has purchased the State Farmers Mutual Insurance Co. agency from Gerald Hambelton, Dora. The purchase becomes effective tomorrow, Don Rackley said.
The State Farmers Mutual Agency was started at Dora by Paul Roy in 1959 and was purchased by Mr. Hambelton in 1964. Mr. and Mrs. Hambelton now own and operate the Crossroads Store at Dora.
March 3, 1993
Jarrett Robertson will come home Friday. Home to the community where he played as a boy. Home to the one-room school where he attended classes through the eighth grade.
Boyhood friends will join his family and friends from around the world as they pay their last respects to Robertson, a Major General in the U. S. Army who died last week in the explosion of an Army helicopter in Germany.
Funeral services will be at the True Hope Baptist Church at Theodosia, formerly the community’s one-room school. Burial will be in Lutie Cemetery.
Feb. 25, 1998
The Dora Homecoming ceremonies were held between games at the West Plains Civic Center Feb. 13. Amber Dexter was crowned Dora Basketball Home-coming queen. Her escort was Keith Collins. The queen’s court included junior Susan Spencer and her escort Ronnie Howard, senior Niki Grisham and her escort Travis Shipley, senior Trish Bell and her escort Jason Beard, senior Karin Preugschat and her escort Derrick Uhlmann, freshman Summer Speake and her escort Kyle Decker and sophomore Kesha Decker and escort Garreth Hayes. The flower girl was Danielle Hambelton and the crown bearer was Dakota Mings.