Times Past: Oct. 25, 2017

The date and source of this photo of the Elijah store and post office are unknown, but it is known that George Hardin opened the first post office there in 1905 and named it after his son. It’s thought that the photo shows the “mail hack” stopped in front (left) of the store building. Handwriting beneath the original photo said “K. Parker,” thought to be a reference to Avery Elcaney (“K”) Parker (1867-1957), who was postmaster in 1911-1912. The Elijah post office closed in 1973. This photo is reprinted from A History of Ozark County: 1841-1991, now out of print but available on searchable CD at the Ozark County Historium or through its website, ozarkcountyhistory.org.
Ozark County News
Oct. 24, 1901
Our County Clerk, John C. Harlin, has purchased the newspaper outfit formerly owned by W. W. Harris at Cabool and has moved it into the old bank building and will establish a new paper here which will bear the name of the “Ozark County Times.”
Mr. Harlin has secured the services of his brothers-in-law, Moss and Hugh Layton, to manage and do the mechanical work of the paper. This is Mr. Harlin’s first venture in the printing business. ... We certainly wish Johnny success in the undertaking.
Ozark County Times
Oct. 21, 1910
Reuben Mason of Tecumseh spent Saturday and Sunday in this city. He brought with him his daughter whom he places in school here. He also took part in the corn show and on Saturday night attended Masonic lodge.
Fate Hays, of a few miles south of town, was so unfortunate as to get his right leg broken between the knee and ankle on Monday afternoon while gathering corn. He was behind the wagon and had his foot on a spoke of the wheel, and his knee under the wagon bed in the act of raising the sideboards when the team started, crushing the bones of the leg. Dr. J. T. White was called and reduced the fracture.
Oct. 26, 1917
Upper Brixey – The basketball game between Brixey and Souder was in favor of Brixey.
The pea hulling at Mr. Naugle’s Thursday night was well attended. It was Everett’s birthday. After hulling several peas, the crowd sang, and Mrs. Naugle brought out a treat which was greatly enjoyed.
Oct. 15, 1953
The story of the success of Ozark county’s first big-scale broiler producers will be broadcast Friday afternoon at 4:35 p.m. over station KWTO by C. C. Keller, publicity agent for the extension service of southern Missouri.
Mr. Keller was in Ozark County last Thursday and visited the broiler houses of Cecil Wilbanks and Gene Taylor, who each have houses that will brood some 5,000 birds each.
Wilbanks recently sold his first brood and for his 9½ weeks of labor realized a profit of more than $100 per week. Taylor has his first flock ready for the market.
Oct. 20, 1966
The ground-breaking ceremony for the new clubhouse at the country club at Theodosia Hills was held at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday with 40 members and eight of the stockholders of the Theo-dosia Hills Development association present.
Palmer Willhoit, mayor of Theodosia, turned the first spadeful of earth . ...
Oct. 26, 1967
Four men from Ozark County are to report for induction into the armed services in November. They are Fallis Frazier, Roger Jarman, Delbert Lee Evans and Lloyd Delano Stewart. They are to report on the 15th.
The Ozark County Chapter of the American Red Cross will send 50 ditty bags to servicemen in Viet Nam for Christmas. ...
The work is under the direction of Mrs. Tressie Rose, chairman of the service committee of the Christian Women’s Fellow-ship, and the Rev. Wiley McGhee, chairman of the county Red Cross chapter.
Oct. 25, 1979
Funeral services for Mack Carl Foresee, 57, were held Saturday in the Bakersfield High School gymnasium. ... He had served as superintendent of the Bakersfield R-IV schools for the past five years.
He died last Tuesday in an automobile accident on Hwy. 101 south of Caulfield. He was born Jan. 15, 1922, at Lead Hill Ark., the son of John and Pearl Hartwell Foresee. He married Mildred Cotter, who survives, on April 29, 1944.
Oct. 28, 1992
Dawt – Doin and Lozell Pitchford went to Springfield, and Brother Doin made tapes to be broadcast on television, Channel 10, featuring the Living Word program Sunday morning.
Amy Pitchford, daughter of Gary and Sandy Pitchford, returned here from an extensive stay overseas where she did missionary work for the church of Christ in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.
Ocie – A large crowd attended the pig roast and auction for H. K. Silvey Saturday night at the McGinnis Auction and Music Barn. They had lots of good music and singing and plenty to eat. It brought over $2,800 for which the Silveys are very thankful.