Jan. 22, 2025: TIMES PAST compiled by Sue Ann Jones

This photo, from the Feb. 4, 1965, edition of the Times, shows some of the 1,767 “babies” delivered by Dr. M. J. Hoerman during the 25 years between his arrival here on Jan. 29, 1940, and the Dr. and Judy Hoerman Appreciation program held at Gainesville High School on Jan. 29, 1965. The program was sponsored by the Gainesville Lions Club. The Hoermans, who had no children, died within six months of each other in 1972. Among other bequeaths, they left 10 percent of their estate to the city of Gainesville and another 10 percent to the Gainesville School District. In 1973, the city and the school district cooperated in developing what is now the Hoerman Memorial Park, which adjoins the Gainesville School campus off Highway 160 east of the Gainesville square.

Ozark County News

Jan. 31, 1895

Joe Harlin and James Pratt returned from Ark. last Friday with 114 head of cattle. They report cattle scarce in that part of the country.


The Democrat

Jan. 18, 1905

J. C. Harlin was thrown from a coasting sled one night last week and sprained his knee. He is able to be about by the assistance of a cane. 

T. J. Luna and Mr. Mitchell went rabbit hunting one day last week and staid [sic] out about an hour and returned with 15 rabbits. How’s this for rabbit hunting?

Sheriff Mahan started out for the [illegible] part of the county the first of the week, and the last we heard of him, he was walking and leading his horse. [He] is of the kind that goes rain or sleet. 


Ozark County Times

Jan. 23, 1925

The Springfield Packing Company . . . announces the formal opening of its fine new plant on the 23-24 days of January, 1925. The general public is invited to visit the new plant and inspect its many departments and splendid equipment. . . . Some of our best-known residents, including J. N. Ford, E. W. Ebrite, J. C. Johnson, J. B. Herd and others are stockholders in the company.

Souder items – Etcyl Souder and Oscar Nance motored home from Iowa, and while here their car burned up.


Jan. 25, 1945

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Enloe and family are very happy this week as they received word from the War Department that their son, Eldred, who was reported missing, had been found. 

Letter from the Oregon shipyards by “an Ozark native and glad of it,” Walter B. Trent: . . . We have been working here since October 10th. . . . We are making the most money we ever did make. . . .When we first started work, they were building troop transports. Now they are building cargo boats. . . . They are 475 feet long, 65 feet high and 48 feet wide. . . . A boat is launched about every three days. . . . More jobs here than any place I have ever seen. If any of you people in Ozark County can spare some time, ship out to Kaiser Shipyard. Anyone can work here. Anyone, those with 1 arm, 1 leg, no legs at all. Many old people, feeble, etc. 95 cents per hour is the least pay, and $1.58 top pay. Nice apartments to live in at $1.25 per day. 


Jan. 21, 1965

Dr. M. J. and Judy Hoerman, who have been active in Gainesville and Ozark county affairs since coming here a quarter century ago and have during that time in the practice of their profession, delivered 1,767 babies, will be honored by an Appreciation Day on Jan. 29, on the 25th anniversary of their arrival in Gainesville. 


Jan. 23, 1985

Bakersfield, incorporated in 1967, now has a public water supply system to serve its more than 240 residents. . . . The new water system replaces some 28 private wells, 27 of which were designated as unsafe in a state inspection in 1978.

Ozark County Times

504 Third Steet
PO Box 188
Gainesville, MO 65655

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