Community Items

Signs of spring are everywhere, and my yard is full of blooming flowers. When I think of trimming many shrubs that aren’t as attractive through most of the year, I remember how pretty their blooms are in springtime. I have forsythia and a hedge of bridal wreath and japonica in my yard. I moved...
The beautiful sunshine days are great. We hope to get the rain, and then maybe some of the cattle feeding will slow down. Then here comes fertilizer time.I love this time of the year with the different kinds of flowers, fruit trees, Easter lillies, dogwoods (pink and white), white serviceberries,...
I enjoy hearing from my friend Elda Edwards over at Ocie. She keeps up with me through my items in the paper. She wrote to me recently that she had been outside digging Jerusalem artichokes. Elda and I took our emergency medical technician training together many years ago. We had instructors come...
We got  a half inch of rain this Monday morning. Sure was nice.Back when the wind had calmed down, the guys at Caney Mountain did some burning. We could see the fire line at night.I talked with Virginia (Grisham) Kastning  on the 15th and wished her a happy birthday.  She still lives in Wichita,...
Menus Lunch is served daily from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and is open to everyone. The cost is $6 for those younger than 60; a $3.50 donation is requested for those over 60. Call 679-4746 to order take-out for 25 cents more.Wednesday, March 21: meatballs and ravioli, Tuscan-blend vegetables, garlic...
It’s beginning to look more like spring. Grass is greening up some, and the front yard had a big bunch of robins and meadow larks one morning. The Easter lily flowers are blooming lots of places.We went to Cookie’s for supper one night. They are now open Monday through Thursday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and...
As loads of leaves cover my yard the jonquils and narcissus are in full bloom. My front yard is full of the white and yellow blossoms, indicating spring has arrived here. I appreciate their burst of color.No doubt the big show buses and trucks passing by my home Sunday evening on 160 Highway were...
March MenusLunch is served daily from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and is open to everyone. The cost is $6 for those younger than 60; a $3.50 donation is requested for those over 60. Call 679-4746 to order take-out for 25 cents more.Wednesday, March 14: steakburger on a bun with all the fixin’s,...
I have been sick since the weekend of Feb. 17. I wasn’t able to go anywhere for three days. Started medication on that Monday and I’m doing better now. I missed church two Sundays in a row.Our son T.J. came for a few days. He was coming from Hartford, Connecticut, where he had been living and...
Hello from our home to yours.Last Monday, we did a craft – crayon art on canvas, where you melt the crayons with a blow dryer to make a beautiful masterpiece. After lunch we had our monthly birthday party where we celebrated four residents’ and three staff members’ birthdays. We had red velvet cake...


Ozark County Times

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