Community Items

Menus Lunch is served daily from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and is open to everyone. The cost is $6 for those younger than 60; a $3.50 donation is requested for those over 60. Call 679-4746 to order take-out for 25 cents more. Wednesday, Dec. 27: country-fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, peas,...
Where does the time go? Another Christmas has come and gone, and we have much to be thankful for while also thinking of those who must be far from home during this holiday season. I had family with me for Christmas dinner on Monday. My daughters Karen and Kris brought the dinner, and it was very...
Merry Christmas! Check the activities listed here and plan to join us. The Center will be closed for the Christmas and New Year holidays on Friday and Monday, Dec. 23 and 25, and on Monday, Jan. 1.  We hope you’ll plan to join us for our first-Sunday fried chicken dinner on Jan. 7.   Menus Lunch is...
We finally got l inch of rain from two half-inch showers. We may not get more rain before it comes a snow. Paul and I went to Mountain Grove and ate supper at the Pizza Hut and got to visit with Wilma Fish a few minutes. She and Randy live down on W Highway from Vanzant. One of the cold evenings,...
My daughter Kris helped my granddaughter Dana Taylor paint the interior of a home in the Brixey area Saturday. I miss attending Sunday school and church, which has always been a part of my life for 95 years, except for a few times when I had to miss because I was in the hospital. Wonder if that...
Last week was a fun and busy time here at the Gainesville Health Care Center. On Monday we decorated for Christmas. Tuesday, we made homemade fudge in the dining room with Shawn Lewellen and Frances Loftis. In the afternoon we had Bible study with Debbie Cobb. On Wednesday, I took Christmas...
Clear Springs Baptist Church had a really nice soup supper and Christmas party at  Rocky Top Campground hosted by owners Joe and Diane Easterday. The party included a tour of the beautifully decorated Christmas drive-through lights. A lot of people were there, including Clear Springs pastor David...
December is packed full of fun activities and holiday events. Please check the activities listed below and join us for any or all of them!   Menus Lunch is served daily from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and is open to everyone. The cost is $6 for those younger than 60; a $3.50 donation is requested for...
Linda Prock had knee-replacement surgery before Thanksgiving.  Thanksgiving Day, Gay and I went to Ernest and Dara Strong’s home. Other guests were Bailey Strong, Chelsey Brayden, Lily Lansdown, Stretch Shanafelt, Honie Nokes, John, Stomi, Kasey and Kunai Medlock, Oceanna Meile, Ralph and Dana...
Still no rain. Paul is dozing for Leroy Morrison down on the farm. He is pushing treetops out of the fields after some logs had been cut.  We went to Winona again Thursday night to hear the Baker family perform. We ate supper with Jack and Judy Barnes. I talked with Orin Robinson, my cousin who...


Ozark County Times

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