County’s ambulance board comments on election loss

Letters to the Editor
Thanks to all the patrons who voted in the recent election. Whether you voted for or against our tax levy adjustment request, we appreciate your taking the time to vote. Many have asked us what the failure of the adjustment will mean to Ozark County’s emergency medical services.
We will continue to operate our one ambulance 24/7. That service will not change.
We will proceed with the establishment of the new crew’s quarters, needed because the current building has mold contamination and has been declared a possible health hazard to our employees. Annual loan payments for the new building may have to be made with operational funds.
Because the tax levy adjustment was to have been reserved for budget years that include capital equipment purchases (such as ambulances and/or major medical equipment), those purchases will have to be made with operational funds.
Any decreases in ambulance-fee receipts or sales tax revenue will require the use of operational funds to cover short-falls. As the number of requests for service increases, district ordinances regulating transport criteria and/or destination determination may be required.
Again, we thank the voters of Ozark County for their continued support.
Board of Directors,
Ozark County Ambulance District