MSU-WP holds lunch-meeting to promote dual-credit program

Missouri State University-West Plains’ dual credit classes will be the topic of the Friends of the Garnett Library monthly luncheon meeting Friday, Jan. 12, on the MSU-WP campus. Dr. Michael Orf, assistant dean of academic affairs, will discuss aspects of the university’s dual credit program and its benefits for area high school students.
The program offers area high school students opportunities to earn college credit while still in high school. Orf said the program uses qualified high school faculty and online courses to partner with more than 20 high schools across southern and central Missouri, offering high school students “an early start on earning their college degree.”
The luncheon and meeting be held at 1 p.m. in rooms 104 and 105 on the lower level of the Lybyer Technology Center in West Plains. Parking is available in the lot off Cass Avenue on the north side of the building. Cost of the meal is $10, payable at the door. Those wishing to eat should make a reservation by calling 417-255-7940 or emailing by Tuesday, Jan. 9.