Festivities abound in area as Halloween nears

Jessica Smith, right, and daughter Victoria St. Pierre looked as if they walked straight out of Alice in Wonderland during the 2018 Trunk-or-Treat event in Gainesville. Due to heavy rains and cold temperatures on Halloween, last year’s event was held in the Gainesville High School gym. This year’s event is scheduled to be held back on the Gainesville square.
Autumn’s cool temperatures have set in, and Halloween is just two weeks away. Ozark County residents have a wide array of festive activities to choose from to celebrate the season. From trunk-or-treat events to fall foliage viewing, there’s no shortage of places and events to enjoy this time of year. Those organizing a local fall or Halloween-themed event should contact Jessi Dreckman at jessi@ozarkcountytimes.com or 417-679-4641 to add the event to the listings in upcoming editions of the Times.
This weekend
Docktoberfest 2019, Oct. 19, Pontiac
Lake Bums BrewCo in Pontiac will host Docktoberfest from 1 to 8 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19, at the brewery on Parrothead Lane in Pontiac. Two bands are scheduled to provide live music throughout the day. Half Step Down will play from 2 to 3:30 p.m., and The Katie Laney Project will play from 4 to 7 p.m.
The Firecrackers, a community group raising money for the 2020 Pontiac fireworks show, will serve a fried fish or boiled shrimp dinner for $10 per adult and $5 per child age 10 and under. Those who want to purchase dinner should be prepared to pay with cash or check.
Wine, soda, water, specialty drinks and their own handcrafted beers can be purchased inside the brewery with cash, check or credit/debit cards. No outside alcohol is permitted on the premises.
Glade Top Trail Flaming Fall Revue
The Glade Top Trail Flaming Fall Revue, scheduled for Oct. 19, was cancelled due to the threat of wet weather.
Next week
Halloween-movie night, GES
Thursday, Oct. 24
The Gainesville FBLA will host a Halloween-movie night in the Gainesville Elementary School gym at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 24. The event will include a showing of the movie Transylvania, and popcorn, snacks and soda will be provided. The cost for entry is $2 per person. All proceeds will benefit the Patsy Hambelton Memorial Scholarship.
Friday and Saturday, Oct. 25-26
Mark Twain Carnival, Rueter
Friday, Oct. 25
Mark Twain Elementary School will host its fall carnival Friday, Oct. 25. The event will kick off at 5:30 p.m. with bingo and a chili supper, served by donation. A concession stand will also have funnel cakes for purchase. At 6 p.m., a variety of games will open; the king and queen coronation will be held at 7:30 p.m., followed by a live auction featuring items for bid, including Branson show tickets and more. Classroom basket raffles will also be offered with themes including a camping/survival basket, a candy basket, a baking basket, a movie night basket and a fishing basket. Students and parents are also currently raising money through a gun raffle for a Mossberg 464 Mariner 30-30; the winning ticket will be drawn at the carnival. Tickets are currently being sold for $5 each or five for $20 at the Ozark County Times office in Gainesville, Doc Holliday’s Pawn Store in Forsyth or Theodosia Hardware. Tickets will also be available for purchase at the carnival. The winner does not need to be present to win.
The event is open to all kids and adults, not just Mark Twain students and families. For more information, call the school at 417-785-4323.
Rockbridge Trout Ranch Fall Festival, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 25-26
Rockbridge Rainbow Trout & Game Ranch’s fall festival will be held from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 25, and from 2 to 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 26. Vendors will be at the festival both days. On Saturday, attendees can enjoy train rides, hay rides, a bounce house, live music, carnival-style games, a costume contest, caramel apple bar, apple cider and more. Activities are planned for the whole family.
Limited booth space is available for vendors. Contact Kristi at mod1@rockbridgemo.com for more information on booth rentals. Call Rockbridge at 417-679-3619 for more information.
Halloween night
Bakersfield trunk-or-treat, Thursday, Oct. 31
Bakersfield’s trunk-or-treat will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 31, at the ball fields. Those handing out candy can set up as early as 4:30 p.m. Fun for all ages is planned.
Bakersfield’s annual Harvest Festival, Thursday, Oct. 31
The 13th annual Bakersfield Harvest Festival at the Pride Park pavilion will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 31. This year’s expanded event will feature three inflatables: a giant slide, bounce house and a toddler-sized bounce house. Games, hotdogs, chili, hot drinks, music, a karaoke contest, popcorn and plenty of candy will also be available. The event and all activities are free. The annual Harvest Festival is a joint effort between the Bakersfield First Baptist Church, the Amy Baptist Church in Caulfield and Center Grove Baptist Church of Moody.
For more information, contact First Baptist Church at fbc.bakersfield.mo@gmail.com or call 417-204-5810.
Dora trunk-or-treat, Thursday, Oct. 31
The Dora Saddle Club is hosting a trunk-or-treat event at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 31, at the saddle club grounds on County Road 365 at Highways 181 and H. The free event is open to everyone, and attendees will receive a free dinner of hotdog, chips and soda, sponsored by West Plains Savings and Loan. Participants may hand out candy or collect candy as trick-or-treaters.
Lutie School trunk-or-treat, Theodosia, Thursday, Oct. 31
Lutie School will host trunk-or-treat from 5 to 6 p.m. in the school parking lot. Community residents, organizations and school clubs are encouraged to participate in handing out candy. Those who plan to hand out candy are asked to contact the school at 417-273-4150 beforehand to make arrangements.
Ozark County’s annual trunk-or-treat
on the Gainesville square, Thursday, Oct. 31
Ozark County’s eighth annual trunk-or-treat will be held on the Gainesville square from 6 to 8 p.m. Area residents are encouraged to participate in passing out candy from their decorated car trunks. Sign-up is not required to pass out candy; just show up before 5:45 p.m., when the square will be roped off and closed to traffic.