Gainesville's Jingle Bell Parade will be one of best ones yet

Antler Motel and Thomas & Douglas CPA took home the second place float prize during hte 2022 Jingle Bell Parade with a Home Alone-movie themed float.
This year’s Jingle Bell Parade, set to begin at 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 1, is shaping up to be one of the biggest and best yet!
Parade coordinator Paula Rose told the Times that as of Monday afternoon, she had 12 floats, 20 festive vehicles, numerous classic cars, the Gainesville High School band and the Central High School Kiltie Drum & Bugle Corps among others signed up to participate, along with the usual local celebrities: the Barney Douglas Citizen of the Year (Karen Brantingham), Jingle Bell Parade Marshal (Bobby Grisham), Hootin an Hollarin queen (MaryJane Flygare) and her court, Lil Cedar Pete and Lil Miss Addie Lee (Noah Vanderveen and Sabra Bryant), Princess pageant winners and the Little Mr. and Miss Merry Christmas who will be crowned just before the parade, among others.
Organizers welcome other parade entries. All those entering the parade should contact Paula Rose at 417-989-1282 to receive directions of where and when to lineup. Float prizes are: $150 for grand prize, $100 for first place, $75 for second place and $50 for third place. The best lighted vehicle prize is $100 and second place is $50.
Editor’s note (Candy cannot be thrown from floats or from cars this year): Organizers with the Wonders of Christmas on the Square event in Gainesville say that they purchase parade-specific insurance through the City of Gainesville’s insurance provider so that the parade can be held on the Gainesville square. The insurance provider has informed them that they no longer allow parade participants to throw candy from floats and vehicles. Candy can still be handed out to the crowd if parade members would like to walk beside the floats and vehicles.