Ozark County Sheriff's Report: Sept. 26 - Oct. 1, 2017

To contact the Ozark County Sheriff’s Depart-ment or other emergency-responding agencies, call 679-4633. In an emergency, dial 911.
Sept. 26
1:31 a.m. – Traffic stop on Highway 5 north near Bryant Plastics. OCSD rendered assistance.
3:24 a.m. – Caller said a truck with camper shell was going back and forth very slowly down Hayes Street in Bakersfield for 15-20 minutes and now is parked at the vacant house at the end of the street. Caller hears banging noises like someone is possibly kicking door. OCSD responded; person lived at the house.
9:33 a.m. – Vehicle reported in ditch on north Highway 5 by County Road 803. Gainesville VFD responded in mutual aid for Wasola VFD.
12:59 p.m. – Caller reported that mailbox was damaged last night on Triston Lane. Wanted on record for now.
3:24 p.m. – Caller reported two lost dogs from residence near east end of AA Highway: 2-year-old Great Pyrenees, white with light black spots and a black ear, and a 6-month-old burnt-orange-colored dog that looks like Cocker spaniel. Wanted on record in case animals are found.
4:12 p.m. – Life alert activated, unknown medical issue. Brixey-Rockbridge VFD and OCA responded. Patient had fallen. OCA canceled.
6:28 p.m. – Caller reported silver Volkswagen car on Highway 181 north of Gainesville High School with no plates sitting in wrong lane heading northbound. Driver’s side shows damage; female is inside car, and men are walking away from car looking upset. MSHP was dispatched.
7:04 p.m. – Medical: elderly female has renal failure. OCA responded. Patient was transported to Baxter Regional Medical Center in Mountain Home, Arkansas.
8:32 p.m. – Caller in Theodosia said a subject is yelling at him. OCSD responded; handled by officer.
Sept. 27
1:20 a.m. – Structure fire at Luna Saw Mill off Highway 181 near Dora. Dora VFD responded.
1:53 a.m. – Vehicle stop on Highway 160. OCSD.
5:01 a.m. – Caller said he and another man traded caller’s camper for other man’s ATV Mule, and now caller said he and the man had gotten into an altercation out of state and caller had to terminate the other man from his job. The other man said he was going to report caller for stealing the Mule, which is located on his property in Ozark County. Caller also has possession of the camper that was traded, and he has paperwork related to the trade. Caller wants to know what happens now. Officer spoke with caller.
7:47 a.m. – Caller reported theft of 2015 4WD red Honda from County Road 873. Report taken. Officer looked at specified site in Thornfield. Vehicle was entered into MULES.
10:51 a.m. – Caller on FF Highway reported that his fence was cut again last night. Handled by officer.
1:55 p.m. – Back door of residence on County Road 307 has back door busted in. OCSD rendered assistance.
2:20 p.m. – Caller on County Road 343 said her neighbor had used her cell phone and now she can’t find it. Handled by officer.
2:50 p.m. – Traffic stop on Highway 160. OCSD issued citation.
3:57 p.m. – Medical: 12-year-old male is having an anxiety attack. Ozark County Ambulance responded. Patient was transported to Ozarks Medical Center in West Plains.
4:44 p.m. – Caller hit a deer with his vehicle on Highway 5 south. OCSD rendered assistance.
5:43 p.m. – Caller reported a white truck on County Road 129 that is pulling a flat bed trailer with no tags. OCSD took a report.
6:36 p.m. – Caller said a bull is on his property on Highway 160 west. He requests officer to call him and help him fix the fence. OCSD rendered assistance, left message on subject’s phone.
Sept. 28
2:48 a.m. – Front motion alarm sounding at Dollar General. Officer responded. Checked OK. Keyholder was contacted. False alarm.
6:14 a.m. – Caller said front glass is busted out of the MFA Oil building. OCSD rendered assistance. Spoke to owner and will meet with owner shortly.
8:11 a.m. – Burglary reported at Gainesville Elementary School. OCSD took report.
8:20 a.m. – Medical: 73-year-old female in lot of pain. Wasola VFD and OCA responded. Patient was transported to Mercy Hospital in Springfield.
10:34 a.m. – Medical: 88-year-old female is having head, neck and left arm pain. South Howell Ambulance, Gainesville VFD and Air Evac responded.
12:24 p.m. – Caller in Dora said someone had cut the locks off their gas tanks the other night. Caller had replaced the locks and they were cut off again last night. OCSD rendered assistance.
2:21 p.m. – Caller said someone had Gainesville High School at money stolen. Officer spoke with reporting person by phone.
5:00 p.m. – Caller said someone broke a window and gained entrance to a structure on Z Highway. Handled by officer.
6:51 p.m. – Well-being/ security check requested on County Road 312A. Handled by officer. Female is going to stress unit in private vehicle.
Sept. 29
1:09 a.m. – Caller reported that pole siphon for well was stolen from carport a few days ago. Assistance rendered; officer spoke to reporting party on phone.
5:42 a.m. – Alarm sounding at Dollar General. Officer responded. Checked OK. Keyholder contacted.
7:40 a.m. – Traffic stop on County Road 376. OCSD issued a citation.
7:47 a.m. – Medical: 66-year-old male having possible stroke. Lick Creek VFD and OCA responded. Patient was transported to Baxter Regional Medical Center in Mountain Home, Arkansas.
9:45 a.m. – Caller on Highway 181 said a tank of gas had been stolen out of her Jeep. Wanted on record for now.
10:38 a.m. – Caller said two vehicles had pulled in front of another on County Road 817 at Spring Creek. No injuries and road isn’t blocked. MSHP notified.
12:24 p.m. – Hospice wants patient to be taken to hospital emergency room. Theodosia Area VFD and OCA responded. Patient was transported.
3:53 p.m. – Caller said his fence was cut on Lightning Springs Road, but he has fixed it. Wanted it on record.
11:47 p.m. – Caller reported people at Double Tree Circle Trailer park reported loud noises, yelling and drinking. OCSD responded; warning issued.
Sept. 30
12:12 a.m. – Traffic stop on Hillside Drive by church. OCSD; warning issued
5:31 a.m. – Medical: 86-year-old female has pain in neck and legs and says she’s having trouble moving her body. OCA responded. Patient was transported to Cox Hospital-Branson.
1:09 p.m. – Caller said someone broke into a house he has for sale on Highway 5 south. Report taken.
5:20 p.m. – Motorcycle accident on Main Street in Gainesville. OCA, Gaines-ville VFD and OCSD responded.
5:21 p.m. – Another caller reported the motorcycle accident on Main Street.
5:51 p.m. – Medical: 5-year-old female with diabetes needs assistance. OCA and Caney Mountain VFD responded.
7:42 p.m. – Caller said two guys are fighting in the parking lot at Bullseye. OCSD rendered assistance.
Oct. 1
12:23 a.m. – Traffic stop on Highway 160 south of Highway 181. OCSD rendered assistance.
8:25 a.m. – Seven fires reported on Glade Top Trail. Theodosia Area VFD, Thornfield VFD, Pontiac VFD, Timber Knob VFD, Wasola VFD and Forest Service were dispatched.
2:11 p.m. – Caller said her grandson is causing a disturbance at her house, and she wants him removed. OCSD responded. Subject was escorted off property and told not to return; 12-hour rule instated.
3:36 p.m. – Traffic stop on Highway 160 near Chaney Monument. Subject arrested and Ron’s Recovery requested to tow vehicle.
4:12 p.m. – White car in northside ditch on Highway 160 1/4 mile east of post office. MSHP and Theodosia Area VFD responded. No one was around the vehicle.
4:23 p.m. – Violation of ex parte full-order protection reported. Assistance rendered; officer spoke with reporting parting in lobby of sheriff’s department.
5:16 p.m. – Medical: 67-year-old male with terminal lung cancer is coughing blood and needs to go to OMC. OCSD and OCA responded.
5:58 p.m. – Traffic stop at Highways 160 and 181. OCSD; no action taken.
6:09 p.m. – Caller said a red, four-door Grand Am with Missouri plates, carrying three or four passengers, is traveling on J Highway from Baxter County (Arkasnsas) Highway 201, swerving all over the road, tailgating, and driver may be intoxicated. OCSD and MSHP responded. Subjects pulled into a driveway and tried to run on foot behind a house. Subjects returned and were all accounted for.
6:15 p.m. – Caller said he had a spare tire and mag rim stolen from his boat trailer and lights stolen from the front of his white 2003 F350 crew-cab long-box 4x4 truck at Theodosia Bridge boat launch. OCSD rendered assistance; caller wanted on record for now.
7:12 p.m. – Caller reported a careless and imprudent driver on a small motorized bike traveling eastbound on Highway 160 toward Hardenville with no lights or license plate. OCSD rendered assistance; MSHP responded.
8:26 p.m. – Caller reported a debit card left in the ATM at Century Bank. OCSD rendered assistance.
9:20 p.m. – Caller on County Road 806 said a subject is late for his probation curfew. At 9:56 p.m., the subject had returned home.
11:25 p.m. – Caller on County Road 348 says he can hear people yelling outside his house. Unfounded.