The Real Ozarks travel guide provides local businesses with unique marketing opportunity

Times ad manager Jenny Yarger has been busy working with area business owners on ads for the upcoming annual publication of The Real Ozarks Magazine.
The glossy-covered, magazine-style book, published once a year in the spring, serves as a guide to Ozark County and the surrounding area. Although it’s content is firmly based on Ozark County, it’s reach is region-wide, making it the perfect marketing opportunity for businesses hoping to reach locals and visitors alike.
The Real Ozarks features information about outdoor recreation, hiking trails, lake and river fun, festivals, camping, hunting, historic grist mills, scenic drives, restaurants, brewery and other eateries in Ozark County or nearby.
The information is tastefully paired with beautiful photos of the county, submitted by Ozark County residents and vacationers.
Advertising businesses are listed in content pages as applicable and in a business directory in the back of the book.
Wide distribution
The magazine is an appealing marketing option for area business owners because of its focus on Ozark County and wide distribution.
In addition to being available at many locations within Ozark County, the Times sends the magazines to every visitors center in Missouri and many in Arkansas. Many visitors centers call the Times early in the year to request additional cases of the publication, explaining that it’s one of the most popularly picked magazine at their centers. An online version, posted to the Times website, receives frequent traffic from visitors and future-residents researching the destination on the internet.
Ad pricing
All ads are full color. Ad pricing is as follows: $95 for an eighth-page, $130 for a quarter-page, $225 for a half-page and $325 for a full page ad. The Times graphics department designs ads based on customers’ specifications. The design process is free with the purchase of the ad.
Deadline and more information
The Real Ozarks ad deadline is a little less than month away, on Feb. 23. The magazine will be published March 20 and will be distributed throughout the year.
For more information on advertising in The Real Ozarks or the Times’ other publications, contact Jenny Yarger at or 417-679-4641.
To submit photos of Ozark County for consideration to be printed in The Real Ozarks, contact Jessi Dreckman at