Hunter education class set for Oct. 13

A hunter education class will be held from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 13, in the Gainesville High School library. Those taking the class much be at least 11 years old on or before the date of the class and must register online at Follow the online links to Hunter Education, Skills Session, then select the class and register.
Students must complete the classroom portion on their own ahead of time and bring proof of completion with them to the skills session.
“You may do this by getting a student manual, completing all the chapter review questions and bringing the completed manual with you to the skills session or by completing the classroom portion online and printing out the certificate of completion and bringing it with you,” said Missouri Department of Conservation agent Jerry Kiger.
The online option costs $15 to print out the certificate of completion, which must be paid by credit card. The student manual option is free. Student manuals can be picked up at the Gainesville Elementary School office and the Gainesville High School office, or call Jerry Kiger to make arrangements to get one.
For more information, call Kiger at 417-989-1690 or MDC agent Tim Leeker at 417-989-1693.