Thanks to those who made Thanksgiving special

The Isabella VFW Post 5366 had a great turnout for our Thanksgiving Day dinner; 120 people were fed. A lot stayed afterward and visited and munched on desserts. Everyone thanked us, and several told me they would have spent the day alone and that they were so glad they came.
We invite everyone to return for our Christmas Day dinner as well.
Thanks to our volunteers who made this possible. They brought in food and helped serve, cook, peel potatoes, wash dishes and clean up. Donations of money, desserts and turkeys were made. We can’t thank everyone enough. Without our volunteers and donations, this day wouldn’t have been possible.
The VFW is now accepting donations to help provide a free Christmas Day dinner to area residents. To make donation arrangements, call the VFW at 417-273-5008
Ruby Winslow, VFW manager