VFW could use some help serving free community holiday meals this year

The Isabella VFW Post 5366 will once again serve our annual Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day community dinners. The meals are free to the public. We hold each dinner starting at noon on the day of the holiday. Many people in our area wouldn’t have a holiday dinner or a place to go without these community dinners. There is no charge to anyone, but our tip jar is available if you wish to donate. We can also deliver to homebound individuals in the nearby area. If you can’t make it, call and get on the list for delivery.
Last year we served over 100 people on Thanksgiving and over 140 people on Christmas. These numbers grow every year.
We use regular plates and silverware, so there is plenty to wash up during the day, but we feel like this is a little extra touch for our diners.
We serve turkey, ham, dressing, potatoes (hand-peeled), casseroles, green beans, hot homemade rolls and desserts.
So while you are planning and cooking for your big day, if you could cook an extra dish and drop it off at the VFW on HH Highway in Isabella the day before the holiday, it would be helpful. If you can donate a turkey or ham, we will be glad to cook it. Just drop it off at least three days before the holiday, please.
We have a list at the VFW of the things people are contributing. Just call and let us know what you are bringing. We appreciate your help. Any cash that’s donated will be used to buy what isn’t donated. To help, send tax-deductible checks, payable to the Isabella VFW Post 5366, to P.O. Box 323, Isabella, MO 65676.
Please call me at the VFW at 417-273-5008 and help make this another successful holiday. Feel free to leave a message if I’m not available.
Ruby Winslow
Isabella VFW Post