Voting yes on school levy is wise choice
We have quality children. Let’s assist them in becoming productive.
There’s a big connection between quality and production. David Kearns, chairman and CEO of Xerox, believes that one-fourth of all work in American industry is done to correct errors. That’s expensive!
If you don’t have time to vote yes for the school tax levy this time, how will you or the school find time and dollars to correct the needed deficiencies?
If you can’t afford to build quality for the education of our children, how can we pay someone later to add it?
We are here to produce quality in the students’ education. Quality is no accident. It is the result of sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution. Voting yes represents the wise choice of many alternatives.
Grandpa Doc Johnson said, “Communities prosper with quality schools, quality churches, quality banks and quality law enforcement.” If we can pay tax on a can of snuff or cigarettes and harp about paying a small tax for the education of our children, then we have a problem in making quality schools and a production force for our nation.
Jim Kyle